Nico and Will (as Hamlet and Ophelia)

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 Alright, so, I'm in my school's production of Hamlet, and this is my favorite scene. It's really sad and just ahh, I love it. It's not Shakespeare's exact language, I tweaked it so it would fit everything. What happens right before this is Will (Ophelia) returns Nico's (Hamlet) love letters, or at least tried.

Nico looked at me, he was hurt, I could see that just through his eyes, but it mattered not, Father had instructed me on this, I had to do it, no matter my feelings for the prince.

"No, not I, I never gave you anything!" he raved.

"My lord you know right well that you did. You wrote words that carried such kindness and love that they, at the time, were honest. However, as things wither they loose their sweet perfume, such as your words, who lost their truth with your hurtful actions."

He paced for a moment, running his small hands through his hair. Those same hands had grasped my own in secret, those same hands knew me as a bird knew the sky.

"Are you honest, dearest William?"

I raised an eyebrow "what do you mean?"

"Are you fair?"

Nico approached me and gently grasped my hand "I don't know what you mean my lord."

"If you are really honest and fair your honesty should not disprove your beauty."

I pulled away slightly, remembering that my father was watching "do you truly value my beauty more than my honesty?"

"Ay, no, I am simply stating that your beauty is what may mask your dishonesty from the eyes of the world. Now I see that I was fooled as well. I did love you, I truly did."

"That is what you told me, or at least what you made me believe."

He laughed again, turning away from me and pacing once again "you shouldn't have, for I, not unlike you, used myself to cover my dishonesty. I loved you not!"

I gasped and held a hand to my mouth, trying to hold back the waterfall that would escape me if I did not force it back.

"I was more deceived."

Nico faced me again, this time with anger masking his true feelings of heartbreak "go away, go away somewhere where nobody will love you again. If you were to have children they would be much of you, liars, all! What should such men like I do, crawling between the earth and the heavens. Us men, we are knaves, ones who will crush you in an instant fair William. Trust none of us!"

There was a loud clanging sound from down behind the curtains, Father and Zeus were behind. I tensed and looked back to Nico.

"Where is your father, has he made you do such a deed as this?"

I shook my head vigorously "My father is at our home my honored lord, for I am doing this of my own free will."

"Well if he wishes to return, let the doors be locked upon him!" Nico shouted.

"Oh please gods, bring him back," I muttered.

Nico turned to me and grabbed the love letters from my grasp, tearing them in his rage. He then grabbed me by the necklace he had given me just days before, and glared upon me.

"I've heard of your ridiculousness as well, you act as though you are doing this of free will where I know that it is not you who wish this, but my uncle and your own father. I say that from now on we have no more marriages, all but one of the existing should continue. Go, stay away!"

Nico yanked on the chain, breaking it and throwing it to the floor. I watched him march away, I sank down and clenched my own chest, where my heart ached through. My lips began to shake, I tried to hold back the tears but they fell quickly to the ground. I drew a shaky breath and let out a small sobb. I cradled my own self in mine arms and cried as quietly as I could have managed. Nico, I had loved him since a young age, since our first meeting in the castle. He was the only one that I had wished to give out my heart to.

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