Not The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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Wonderful, not a word I would use to describe Christmas.

It was a lonely time of year, for me at least. The families spending time together, the gift giving and reminiscing about old memories, I didn't have any of that. I had sitting alone in my cabin, drinking hot coco that Hazel had sent me, listening to the fire crackle and the people in camp celebrating together.

I wasn't big on crowds, but Christmas would have been an exception, if anyone would have invited me or even tried to get me into the whole secret santa thing they did. It was only Christmas Eve but everyone was so happy.

I covered myself with a black blanket Frank sent me with Hazel's coco. Trying to ignore the pit in my gut that reminded me that I was alone.

The last Christmas I celebrated with someone was with Bianca and our mother, right before we went to the Lotus hotel. We exchanged small gifts wrapped in brown paper, I got a small thing of chocolates and a scarf that year. My last happy year.

I tried to remember the christmases where I had been alone, though I wasn't sure I wanted to. I remembered the first I asked myself if the gift I wanted was to be with Bianca, the next one I tried, the others, I didn't remember those.

There was a knock at my door "It's open," I called slowly.

It was probably someone looking for someone or something else, maybe a place to make out or some shit.

There was a large, warm, hand on my shoulder, rubbing it slightly. I looked up to see Will Solace smiling down at me.

"I thought I'd find you in here, mind if I join?" He asked, pointing at the other end of the couch.

I shrugged "I can't really stop you so sure."

"Thanks," he said quietly running to the other end of the small grey couch, taking off his shoes and revealing his dorky Harry Potter Christmas socks.

He pulled his legs to his chest and started to look at me, I looked right back. He was wearing a light blue Christmas sweater with a sun that had a Santa hat on it. Instead of his normal cargo shorts he was wearing black jeans. His hair was styled with some red and green glitter in it, making the curls glow even more in the firelight.

"You aren't planning on coming out there?" He asked.

"No, I don't like Christmas much, or I haven't for a while."

Will frowned a bit "That's sad."

I shrugged again "Depends on who you ask."

After a short pause he asked "Why didn't you go to Camp Jupiter with the Seven and Reyna?"

"I don't know."

He scooted closer to me and whispered "I was looking for you out there."

I could feel my heart rate speed up, he was so close that I could feel his warmth through the blanket, though he wasn't even that warm.

"Are you, cold?" I asked quietly.

He smiled a bit and nodded "It's probably going to snow tonight, it's only 25 degrees out there."

I sighed and lifted the blanket a bit, "C'mere then."

His smile alone warmed my heart at least ten degrees, maybe Christmas wouldn't be so bad. He put his legs in the blanket and I sat up, making more room for him. He sat pressed up to me, looking into the fire which cast pretty shadows on his face.

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