He Tried

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I woke to an empty cabin, and a sinking feeling in my stomach. The walls around me seemed dull and the sun didn't illuminate the room as it usually did. I didn't want to stand, if I stood it would be real, I would be awake.

He would really be missing.

Against my wishes the door squeaked open, Annabeth Chase.

"Will, Austin was looking for you," she muttered, closing the door behind her.

I sat reluctantly, my blanket falling from my torso. She walked over to my bed and sat on the edge, facing me "Nico's out there somewhere you know."

I nodded, avoiding eye contact as I felt the urge to cry surface once again. It was our first anniversary and I was alone.

"It's hard to believe, I know, and for you I know it's probably even harder with how young you are and how long he's been missing. Just believe he's out there, he'll come back," Annabeth whispered, slowly stroking my hair.

"It's been five months Annabeth, I-I don't know if I can believe that."

She grabbed one of my hands and held it tight "He's fine Will, Nico always is."

I nodded squeezing her hand back.

Annabeth and I had become friends in the five months Nico had been missing, she understood my situation more than anyone. We both had our boyfriends ripped away just after everything had started to be happy.

"Austin really needs help, do you think you can manage a little work in the infirmary?"

"Yeah, probably."

I pulled my legs out of the blankets and scooted off of the bed. I slipped on some socks and shoes and headed towards the door. I grabbed Nico's old hoodie and threw it onto myself, zipping it up and leaving.

I got a few sad looks, some confused, I couldn't blame people for being confused at why I was in pajamas in the middle of the day, I didn't even really know why.

I swung the door to the infirmary open and stepped inside, washing my hands quickly and looking for Austin.

"Will!" Kayla exclaimed when she saw me "I didn't expect you to be up today."

I shrugged and gave her a weak smile "Neither did I, Austin needed me?"

"Oh, yeah, he's over in the far west wing, a kid got some weird bug bite and he doesn't know how to treat it."

I nodded at her and headed there, where Austin stood next to a younger boy camper.

"Will! Thank the gods, I've got no idea what could have happened to Killian here, maybe you would know?"

Austin showed me the kids arm, it was pale all over other than the large, irritated, lump. I took his arm in my hand and ran my finger on it a little, it was hot and slightly bumpy.

"Bad spider bite probably, just needs some ambrosia and rest, maybe Benadryl or something if you have that too."

Austin laughed a little "You're always so quick with this stuff, thanks Will."

"Yeah, see you later," I muttered, walking back to my cabin.

When I got back the door was already open, I got closer and saw the blood on the ground. I ran inside to see someone in all black laying on the floor. He had mid back length hair that was unruly and burnt shorter in some spots. His hands were small and scratched, though I still recognized them.

"Nico, fuck, Nico, what happened?" I asked frantically, turning him onto his back.

He had a huge open cut on his stomach, bleeding profusely.

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