Ice Skating AU Part 2

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Will and I were both panting when we got to the main doors of the skating rink.

"Nobody's here, are you sure we're going to be late?"

Will checked his watch, then pulled out his phone, promptly slapping himself on the forehead when he checked.

"Damn it, my watch is set for a different time zone," he groaned.

Why did I let myself get caught up with Will?

He opened the door and we went and sat inside, awkwardly checking in early.

"Sorry about that Nico," he laughed.

I shrugged "Better to early than late."

For some reason I didn't want Will to feel bad.

"Do you think they'd let us use the rink early?"

"It's what? Like four hours before the competition, so probably."

Will approached one of the staff members, who said something over a radio, then nodded.

(This would probably never happen in real life but whatever)

He came back to me and smiled "We're okay to go."

I readjusted my bag and we headed to the rink, where we both sat on a bench to put our skates on.

I had never seen the rink without people in it, it was calming in a way, as if I could be myself if I wasn't being watched by hundreds of eyes.

Will stood and extended his hand, I carefully took it. We stepped onto the ice and I let go, slowly skating away backwards.

Will seemed calmer, he went to the middle and did a spin, slower and more collected than I had seen from him.

"I usually speed that one up," he laughed.

Hearing his laugh echo in the empty space was like hearing a symphony play the most beautiful melody.

He came over to me and extended his hand once more "Have you ever pair skated?"

Low tempo American song began playing, something that would play in the movies.

I shook my head and took his hand, making him smile again.

"Let me teach you," he muttered.

He took both of my hands and we skated side by side for a second, until he carefully lifted me and we spun for a moment. My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest. Will had steady arms when he lifted me, and his touch was so gentle.

"Now lean back and let yourself glide," he muttered, close to my ear.

I did as he said and we slowly spun together, his hand on my lower back.

"You're a natural," he chuckled, standing upright.

He slowly separated from my grasp and did a small jump, then coming back to me and holding my hand again.

We just skated next to each other for a while, holding hands in silence. I didn't know what that meant.

We eventually got off the ice, took our skates off, and went to the waiting area in the lobby. There were way more people there, some press, some skaters, some fans. My friend Reyna was being interviewed and my sister stood looking around. As soon as we made eye contact she ran over to Will and I.

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