Ice Skating AU part 6

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Warning: a little spicy, no smut, but some spice.


We took a taxi to Will's hotel, it was a silent ride and I was overly aware of his hand on my thigh and head on my shoulder. His hand wasn't weirdly close or anything, just on the edge, reminding me he was there.


I kissed his head, putting my fingers in his hair. He smelled like apple pie, what a true American. Will reached into his pocket and pulled out some chapstick, slowly putting it on his lips.

I could hardly see his movements but damn, his lips glinted in the light. I wanted to kiss him.

I wanted to push him down onto a bed and kiss him till my lips fell off. Fuck that sounded good.

I sighed heavily, trying to get myself to calm down. I tried thinking about my family for a second, my dad had actually accepted me, and he was even letting me go to Will's hotel for dinner. That was cool. I actually didn't expect that.

Will looked up "what do you want to eat when we get there, they've got a lot of stuff."

I couldn't even think about food but I tried my best "umm, something small. Do they have good dessert? I kinda want something cold and sweet."

He smiled "yeah they have good hummus plates, and I have popsicles in my hotel room, I'm pretty much addicted to them."

Popsicles, yum.

I accidentally started imaging Will eating a popsicle, his shirt off, in the sun. Mmhhhhh. Fuck what was I doing? We had just met, thinking about that was inappropriate, wasn't it?

In all honestly I felt like I had known Will for years, he seemed so familiar for some reason.

The taxi slowly came to a stop and Will handed him a debit card, which was promptly handed back after it was swiped.

"Thank you," Will said with a smile.

We got out and I stared up at the building, it was huge and covered with beautiful lights.

"Come on Neeks, wait till you see the view," he grabbed my hand and before I knew it we were up at the penthouse level.

Will swiped a card in the door and I heard a soft click. He opened the door and my jaw nearly dropped. The walls were made almost completely of glass, and there was a fuckkkking indoor pool. The living room space on its own was enormous but he also had his own kitchen, balcony, and second story.

"How many people are in here?" I managed to ask.

"Uh, just me. Chiron spoils me a little too much, I honestly tell him I just want a normal room, but he refuses."

Will closed the door behind us and I walked around, the floors were off white marble and the walls were a soft birch, decorated around the pool with gold hexagons.

I usually hated water, it freaked me out, but this looked tranquil, and in all honesty all I could think of was Will shirtless in it.

"Wanna order food and wait for it upstairs?" Will asked, he seemed a little nervous.

I nodded and he walked over to the kitchen, picking up the phone "Uh, hello mam, room 501, could I please order a hummus plate and a cheese plate? Thank you."

I pointed upstairs "what all is up there?"

"Bedroom, bathroom, jacuzzi, ya know, stuff."


He walked back over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, placing his head next to mine.

"Let's go babe."

That made my heart flutter. We walked upstairs and he plopped over onto the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Not sure, my legs kinda hurt, wanna get in the hot tub? You can borrow a pair of my swim trunks."

A hot tub wasn't really scary to me, so I nodded. Will rolled over on the bed and reached over and under the bed, pulling out a suitcase. He grabbed two pairs of swim trunks out of it and threw one at me.

"Change in the bathroom, or out here with me if you're feeling brave," he laughed.

I could tell he was joking but jeez. I laughed and moved into the bathroom, which was also giant. Being shirtless around anyone else would have made me freak out, but Will seemed okay. I changed quickly and opened the door just as Will was pulling up his pants, I saw his ass. It was a good ass.

He turned around smiling with a bright red face "Hey, you should have knocked."

I sighed and smiled, this was as good as my life had ever been, a cute boy smiling at me in his hotel. A cute boy who wanted to kiss me.


He laughed and walked over to me, placing a hand on my back and looking deep into my eyes "hey, you're really cute, especially with that mark right there, can I give you some more?" he poked the hickey he had given me earlier and I hid my face in the crook of his neck.

He was warm, I loved it. He pulled me closer till our bodies were fully touching, oh god. ALL OF OUR BODIES. I hoped he couldn't feel it.

"Let's get in," Will said, letting go of me with a smirk.


He smacked my ass and I yelped, he made my problem worse. Ughhhhh fuck me.

We both got in, it felt so nice on my sore muscles, which was the original intention for us even getting in the hot tub. Will stayed close to me, holding my hand carefully.

I turned my face towards him, his head was tilted back, which made his Adam's apple stick out. I took the chance and leaned over, kissing his neck a little. Sure, it was a little quick to just be falling head over heels for this boy but seriously, how could I not.

He took his hand from the water and put it under my chin, raising my lips to his. We sat like that, just kissing next to each other for a while, his hands eventually found themselves into my hips and he pulled me on top of his lap. 

The kisses deepened from there, his hands going up my back and into my hair, messily tangling themselves there. I followed his lead and did the same. God he was hot.

A knock on the door made me jump and scramble off of him, my face instantly turning hot with embarrassment. Will smirked and he got out of the hot tub, grabbing a towel and headed downstairs.

I heard the door open and a cart roll in, Will talked to the room service people for a second and then the door closed. I heard it lock and relaxed a little. Being alone with Will was nice.

There was the sound of two plates clattering a little and then Will's footsteps on the stairs. He walked very lightly and carefully, each step even sounded beautiful. What the hell, how was he so amazing?

Will was smiling when he got up the stairs "hey there cutie? You hungry?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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