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Nico was laying next to me when I woke up in a cold sweat. Images from my dream flashed in my head, they were mostly of the patients that I couldn't save, but some were of Nico dying. The only thing stopping me from sobbing into a pillow was the thought of waking my boyfriend. Instead I just sat there, looking down at him breathe slowly, softly. 

 I stood up and walked to Nico's bathroom, trying to calm down. I turned his shower on cold, stripped, and stepped in. He was a pretty heavy sleeper, as long as the sounds weren't happening directly next to him, he could probably sleep through anything. I let the cold water drip down my back and slowly let myself cry.

 I couldn't get the image of Nico covered in blood, saying goodbye to me one last time, out of my head. After I got a hold on my emotions I turned off the water and stepped out. I dried myself with a fluffy black towel from Nico's little towel shelf, and put my pants back on. I took my comb off of his counter and ran it through my tangled hair. I towel dried it and put it into a ponytail, so I wouldn't get my pillow wet when I wen't back to bed. I headed to the door, then decided against it, I had to let myself calm down. 

 I sat in the corner of the bathroom and tried to breathe for a few minutes, my breath was still shaky and uneven, there wasn't much that I could do to fix it, so I stood again. 

When I stepped back into the main room I saw Nico sitting up on the bed.

 "Oh, sorry I woke you, I just remembered that I forgot to shower." I forced a laugh, trying not to worry him.

 He turned his head to me, he looked really groggy "Don't lie Will, c'mere."

 Nico held out his little arms and waited for me to come to him, which I eventually did. He sat me down and brushed his soft hands against my bare shoulders, eventually just hugging me. His lips gently touched my forehead "They're just dreams, everything is okay."

 I drew a slow breath and hugged him back "I know."

 After a few minutes I started crying again. Nico just hugged me tighter, rubbing slow circles on my back, telling me that everything was okay, saying he loved me and that nothing bad was gonna happen.

 "I love you too, Nico," I whispered.

 I felt him smile and sigh "We should go back to sleep." I said.

 Nico nodded a little, he slowly guided me to the bed, drooping his arms around me and snuggling his nose into the crook of my neck. He grabbed one of my hands and held it tightly.

 "Goodnight, sunshine."

 "Goodnight Nico."

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