Valentines Day (Mortal AU)

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When I got home I could already tell that Will had come home from school. His bag was on the kitchen counter and the blankets on our couch had fallen off of the top and down onto the cushions. I set down my laptop bag by the door, took off my coat and headed to the couch.

As I had expected, Will was sleeping on the couch, all bundled up in the blankets we had bought together. His hair curled over his nose and moved slightly as he breathed, and his cheeks were tinted pink. On his left finger was his engagement ring, he never took that thing off unless he was doing things for his medical degree. I sat by him and gently took his hand, lacing our fingers together.

After a few minutes he stirred, sitting up slowly and rubbing one of his eyes.

"Mmh, Nico, hey. You been here long?" He murmured.

I shook my head "No, I haven't. How was your test?"

He groaned "Tiring but fine, I think I passed."

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek gently "Good job love."

"Now I just want to sleep forever, but I shouldn't because today is Valentine's Day. I have your present."

Will stumbled off of the couch, making me laugh a bit. We always had low profile Valentines dates, we usually ended up cuddling at home, or something else.

He came back with a long jewelry box and sat next to me. After he handed it off to me I slowly opened it, there were two black hoop earrings with small little jewels in the shape of a sun on the top. Also there was a necklace in there with metal tags that said different dates on them. The day we met, our first kiss, when we got engaged, along with one blank one, for our wedding date.

I smiled up at him and kissed him softly, he was the only gift I ever needed.

"Thank you Will, this is really sweet."

He smiled "I also got you flowers, they're already on our bedside table though because they started to die."

"Alright, now my present I've been hiding for months, come with me," I snickered.

He grabbed my hand and we walked towards the guest room, which I had been telling him a pipe had burst in there, in reality I was just prepping it, painting the walls, putting in nice wood floors, getting nice curtains, buying a comfortable bed, books, everything a kid might need in a room.

I swung the door open and Will gasped "W-wait, what's this for?"

I took him inside, where a notice was sitting on the bed "So, I know how crushed you were when we weren't allowed to be foster parents when we first moved in, but I told them we had gotten engaged, and because we did, they said yes Will."

He jumped into my arms and squeaked in excitement, we toppled to the floor laughing.

"This is the best Valentine's Day Nico, oh god, when is the kid coming?" Will asked.

I smiled "Tomorrow night, his name is Michael."

I handed him a photo of Michael, he had short wavy blonde hair, brown eyes, freckles, he had a strange likeness to the two of us.

Will kissed me again, I could feel the happy tears streaming down his face. After we broke away Will just stared down at the photo, holding one hand to his mouth and crying.

"I-I can't believe this is actually happening," he whispered.

"I know," I muttered, hugging him happily.

After Will calmed down we had dinner, while getting up to wash his plate he fell over. I rushed to him "Will, are you okay?"

He groaned and sat up "Uh, yeah, just exhaustion probably, I didn't sleep because I was too stressed out."

I nodded and helped him up "You should take a bath and go to sleep, you don't have classes tomorrow, right?"

"No I don't, thankfully."

I picked up the plate and did the dishes while Will got into the bath. I always used to be the one almost passing out, but I learned to take care of myself because of Will. He just didn't sleep much because of all of his tests and long class hours, though it could get worse after he became an actual doctor. My phone suddenly rang, it was the social worker who had arranged Michael being with Will and I. I picked up,

"Hello Stephanie, is everything alright?" I asked.

"Not really, Michael's last foster parent was just arrested for pulling a gun on him. Would you be willing to take him early?" she asked urgently.

"God, yeah we can, is he alright?" I asked.

"He has a few bruises, we just had him checked out at the hospital just in case, other than the bruises and being shaken he as alright. Can I drop him off in ten?"

"Yeah, yeah of course."

She hung up and I ran to the bathroom "Will, Michael is coming early, hurry up and get ready."

Will instantly looked worried, he got out and got dressed "Is he alright?"

I shook my head "He had a gun pulled on him, Stephanie is bringing him by in a few minutes."

"Oh god, okay, I'll dry my hair then."

After he finished the door bell rang, we both ran to it. When Will opened the door Stephanie and Michael were standing there. Michael had a black eye ad split lip, along with tears that stained his cheeks.

"Thank you guys, I know it's a holiday and all-" Stephanie started.

"No, it's fine, come in, come in," Will said, ushering them inside.

I shut the door behind them and turned back to the group. Will turned to the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack and wrapped it in a towel. He cautiously handed it to Michael, who carefully put it on his eye.

"I can't believe somebody would do this to a kid," Will whispered to Stephanie.

"It happens a lot in the system, sadly it will sometimes go unnoticed, the only reason we knew about Michael was because the previous foster parent's neighbors called the police because of the crashing and yelling."

"Oh god. Michael, I'm so sorry," Will said, turning to him.

He shrugged "It happens."

"It shouldn't," I added.

Stephanie and Will talked for a while, then she left.

Michael only had a small bag of clothes and personal items, thankfully I had asked for his clothing size before he came, so we had some for him.

"So, how did you guys meet?" He asked after a while of us showing him around.

"Summer camp," Will said fondly "It was my third year and Nico had just started coming to the camp after a few years of not. He was assigned my group for a war game, I knew I liked him then."

Michael smiled, his smile looked like Will's "That's sweet."

"I'd like to think so," Will laughed.

Michael flopped onto his bed, he seemed like he belonged there. He belonged with Will and I, we could be his Dads.


Will always looked back on that Valentine's Day as the best one we ever had, we got our son. It was by no means the most romantic one, but it was the most important.

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