ACT TWENTY-THREE: Baby Talks and "Paddy's Box".

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Mark's :

                Last night was absolutely, the longest nights I've ever been through in a day. The events that happened for the past 12 hours were the longest, agonizing hours for both of us especially on Andie. The look in her eyes especially the way how her worst ordeal from Dave's evil hands immediately changed her from a bubbly, cheerful woman that I fell in love with into a scared, frightened little kid who was so afraid from anyone coming near her. Everything about her suddenly changed in just a blink of an eye just because of our silly argument;

                Our first big argument that gave us an ultimate lesson that we shouldn't let our anger overtakes our minds and mouth.

                It made us both realize that we should talk things through without throwing nasty words and yelling at each other; setting aside our differences and fix the damage as soon as we can to patch the damage we made before it turns much worse.

                A flickering light suddenly pierces right through my closed eyes. I tried to open my eyes and turn my gaze where that piercing light comes from. It's from the small window above the ceiling. I'm still haven't fully awake yet; trying to gather my equilibrium when this warm, soothing palms carefully touches my chest. The bed moves slightly while she tries to bury her face against it. She stood her face up as soon as I pull her closer to my front while gazing down at her.

                Our hardest yet, the most intimate moments from last night lingers back; recalling each and every little detail of the things I did just to bury the entire trauma and fear she dealt from that longest night. I could still perfectly recall the times when she tried to push me away every time she closes her eyes.

- - -

                                "Andie, look at me." I breathe while pausing from finally entering her.

                Fear and apprehensions suddenly became visible on her brown gaze as soon as she looks at me. She's been so at eased and very relaxed from the intimate things I did so far that's why I couldn't help but to feel a bit puzzled when she tried to push me.

                                "I... I-I'm sorry, Paddy. I-I've tried to shun it but I'm still scared..."

                I kissed her long and deep to calm her. I retrieve it afterwards and gazes down at her.

                                "Don't close your eyes, baby. Hold your gaze at me."


                                "Hold your gaze at me, baby. I want you to look at me and only me without closing your eyes, okay?"

                I carefully claimed her mouth once again, trying to gauge her reaction while readying myself. I slowly lift her legs and clings it around my waist. I gingerly retrieve my mouth away from hers and gazes at her. Andie locks her gaze at me as soon as I started to move my hips. Her mouth slightly opens while letting out a few, heavy gasps. Her moans and groans started to fill the entire room without leaving her gaze on mine.

                                "Pa--- P-Patrick..."

                                "That's it, Andie..." I groan. "Say my name... Only my name..."

- - -

                Her cries and moans especially the way how she holds her gaze while calling my name continues on reverberating at the back of my mind. The way how she tried her best to overcome all her fears made me fall in love with her all over again; sealing this huge promise of always being at her side no matter what. Andie's been so brave of shunning herself away from that horrible nightmare, and I'm very proud to say that I'm the reason why she's in a very much stable state now.

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