ACT ELEVEN: Andie's Chaperon or Ms. Cute, Brown-Eyed Girl's Date?

397 11 2

Mark's :

A very loud noise suddenly wakes me up from my sleep. I carefully move my hands to find that certain thing while I'm trying to open my eyes. Grabbing it while my eyes are still sleepy, I check the time...'s 10 in the morning.

Still feel sleepy, I immediately sit straight while rubbing my eyes. Saffy suddenly jumps in my bed. She quickly stands in front of me and barks.

"Hi, lil buddy! How's your sleep?"

She licks my cheeks and wags her tail while looking at me. I grab her and gave her a quick hug while stroking her head. I jump out of my bed and went straight to the bathroom. I'm about to brush my teeth when I notice in the bathrrom mirror that my facial hairs are starting to grow. Recalling the moment that happened yesterday, I've just realize that Andie didn't recognized me at all that's why she's so natural on chatting to me. It's like there's no trace that she recognizes me as Mr. Cute, Tall Guy at all. Still checking myself in the mirror, I've decided that I should keep my facial hairs on and trim those unwanted bits instead. While doing it, my conversation with Kian last night disrupts my pre-occupied mind;

~Just go with your plans for Saturday. But as much as possible, I think you should stop talking to her as her Mr. Cute, Tall Guy and start conversing and getting close to her as, uhm, Patrick instead...~

I suddenly pause on trimming my facial hairs while recalling what Kian have told me last night. Although I'm totally against with his last idea, I'm now starting to think that maybe he's right. I think I should start communicating and getting closer to Andie as Patrick and stop communicating with her as her Mr. Cute, Tall Guy.

I don't know if I'm doing this right but, yeah. I'll try to hide my identity as Mark Feehily through this facial hairs. I'll try to bury Yours Truly's identity as one of the members of the most successful boyband from Ireland and will live as a normal Irish guy instead. I continue trimming those unwanted hairs on my face, leaving it tidy and neat. I stood up and look straight at the mirror, gazing at myself.

"Hi. I'm Patrick. My name's Patrick Feehily."

I breathe out, feeling very much confident after I muttered those words. Although still not sure, I feel like I am now doing something right and not just jumping and panicking thinking only about myself. But still, I'm going ahead with my plans of meeting with Andie this weekend to end all these stupid lies I've created.

*his heart suddenly stands beside him and crosses both his arms*

-Good! You have to start sorting out your tons of explanations to eradicate all these idiotic move that your smart-arsed mind have managed to spilled to make up to Andie! It's his entire fault in the first place anyway! *rolls eyes*-

Right, right! Jeez! Will you please stop nagging at me? You're not even my Mam so shut it!

Heading myself through the kitchen to grab something for my breakfast, I quickly pause, thinking,

'S*** My fridge's not plugged in yet nor my cupboard's still empty! Ugh!'

I close my eyes in disappointment and annoyance at the same time. This is why I really hate moving from one house to another! So much hardwork! *rolls eyes*

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