A Good Day

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It was a gorgeous sunny day in Middle Earth, that was until dark storm clouds rolled in from the east and covered the ground with rain.

Prisca was enjoying a nice cup of warm tea, as she sat inside of her house and watched the rain fall from the window.

She took another sip of her tea and nearly burnt her tongue, she had forgotten it was still piping hot.

Now the tip of her tongue hurt, "Ow.. Ow.. Ow.."

She heard a knock on her door, at first she stared at the door curiously then set her cup of tea down on the table, and then went to the door.

She opened it and a figure her size ran inside quickly without saying a word, Prisca shut the door then looked behind her at the small figure standing in front of her.

"Sorry to barge in on you Pris."

The figure took of the hood on it's head and smiled at Prisca, "Es!" Prisca gave her a big hug. Then made a strange face while hugging her, "Wait, why are you here?" Prisca asked curiously. As she pulled back and had both of her hands on Esmerelda's shoulders.

Esmerelda backed away then went towards the kitchen.

She watched as Esmerelda started to raid the cabinets for snacks, "Oh I was coming over to see if you wanted to do something, then it starting raining!" she exclaimed then started mumbling under her breath.

"Yeah, quite the weather change!"

Esmerelda turned around and faced Prisca and had her hands full of different snacks, "Es, you do know that you don't have to eat every single minute?" Prisca said laughing.

"Yeah! You just never know which meal will be your last."

Prisca shook her head in disbelief as she attempted to take another drink of her tea, this time it wasn't steaming hot.

"So, what have you been up to?" Esmerelda asked, while shoving little cakes into her mouth.

"Not much, I was going to come to the Shire after I drank my tea but then it started to rain."

"Well, we can still go. We'll just be wet once we get there."

"I guess we could, i'm not doing anything else."

"Great then! Let's go now!" Esmerelda grabbed Prisca's hand and started to march towards the door.

Prisca pulled back and rubbed her wrist, "Wait just a minute Es, I have to get my cloak."

Esmerelda rolled her eyes then tapped her foot, Prisca watched her as she tightened the clasp on her cloak. Then pulled the hood over her head, "Are you ready now?" Esmerelda asked.

Prisca nodded her head, Esmerelda opened the door and motioned her hand outside and Prisca walked out. Leaving her cup of perfectly fine tea to get cold.

The rain died down after awhile and soft wet sprinkles of water spread across the land.

"What are we going to do once we get to the Shire?" Prisca asked.

Esmerelda shrugged her shoulders, "Maybe just see what Merry and Pippin are doing. Other than that I don't know what we would do."

"What if they aren't doing anything?"

"Then we could go to my place and eat delicious snacks."

"That's not what I had in mind..."

Esmerelda shrugged her shoulders and mumbled something that Prisca couldn't make out.

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