Escape: Part 2

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"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Esmerelda asked.

"I'm positive." Arvendir replied.

"Then when will we be there? I'm starving."


Legolas didn't believe Arvendir, even if he was a fellow elf he did not like him.

"Legolas, do you think Gandalf and the others will still be there? They're probably worried sick about us." Frodo said, he had kept Legolas company for most of their walk.

"They may have kept going, I do not know if we will find them once we return to the surface. Also, yes. They are probably worried."

"Right, I wish we could already be in Rivendell."

"Me too."

Legolas thought about Livian, she doesn't know where he and Milia are. She's the youngest out of all three of them, and she needed to know that her siblings were still alive.

"Come with me Frodo, we're going a different way." Legolas said.

"What? We don't know any other ways. We don't even know where we are." Frodo said in confusion.

"I'll find a way, we're getting no where with Arvendir. Let's find a different way, and I know someone who could be our guide."

"Fine I'll come with you, what about Milia, Prisca and Es? Are they coming with us?" Frodo asked.

"Yes, get Prisca and Esmerelda."

Frodo nodded his head, he told Prisca and Esmerelda. They agreed, Legolas got Milia and told her.

She agreed as well, so they all waited for the right moment to sneak away.

Once none of the others were looking, Legolas signaled for them to slip away.

Once they got far enough they stopped, "We did it, now we have to find Waldo." Legolas said.

"Are you insane! Why do we need to find him?" Milia exclaimed.

"He's going to be our guide, trust me I know how to negotiate."

Milia rolled her eyes, "Legolas you-"

"Milia, do you want to get back to Livian or not? Why won't you just listen to me sometimes? I have a plan, and if you don't want to get to Rivendell then you can go back with the others. So are you coming or not?" Legolas interrupted, he stared at Milia strait in the eyes and waited for an answer.

"I'm coming with you." Milia sighed.

"Then let's go." Legolas said, then started walking again.

The cave seemed to get darker and darker as they walked, "How are we supposed to find Waldo?" Esmerelda asked.

"I'm not sure, he'll be around here somewhere." Legolas said.

"I've noticed something about you Leggy." Esmerelda said.


"You like to be your own thing, have things your way. I saw you earlier when we were following Arvendir, you didn't like it."

Legolas looked down at Esmerelda and smirked, "You're right Esmerelda, I don't like it. I don't like it one bit."

"Don't ever look at me like that again Leggy, or you'll regret it..."

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