Leaving Rivendell

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"Wake up Aragorn."
Legolas said as he shook Aragorn.
Aragorn sat up and looked around.
"We have to go!"
He exclaimed.
"Calm down Aragorn, it's not even dawn yet."
Legolas said.

Aragorn rubbed his head.
Aragorn said as he laid back down.
"Aragorn that doesn't mean you need to go back to sleep."
Legolas said as he rolled his eyes.

"I know, I'll be up in a minute."
Aragorn yawned.
"Aragorn, everyone is waiting for you. We're all ready."
Legolas said.
Aragorn shot up.
"Alright well let's get going then."
Legolas laughed as he walked over to his group.

"Alright everyone, this bird thing could have gone anywhere. We're going to find out where, Group Staff! You will be searching all East of Middle Earth. Group Bow, you'll be searching all West of Middle Earth. Group Axe, you'll be searching all North of Middle Earth. And finally my group, Group Sword will be searching all South. Everyone good with that?"
Aragorn said.

Each leader nodded their head.
"What if a group finds it? Then what do we do?"
Thaladir asked.
"Meet back here, blow this super loud horn when you do. It can be heard from miles and miles away."
Aragorn said.
He gave each leader a horn.

Legolas looked at his curiously.
Then back at Aragorn.
"I memorized what the object looks like. So someone else can have the paper."
Legolas said.

Aragorn took the paper from him, then gave it to Thaladir.
"You'll need it, Gandalf already knows what it looks like."
Aragorn said.

"Alright! Groups let's set off! Good luck to all of you!"
Said Aragorn.
He led his group in the direction they needed to go.
Ithilwen looked back at Legolas.
Who was looking at her too.
She smiled and waved.
He smiled back.

The Staff group went their way.
Laineth waved to Legolas.
He waved back.
What did I get myself into?

Thaladir's group left, Legolas's group was the last one to leave.
As they were walking Legolas wanted to see who he had.
"Livian, Prisca, Frodo, Kili, Losider, and Eärna."
Legolas said to himself.

"How do you suppose we'll find this object Legolas?"
Losider asked.
"I'm not sure, I guess we'll just have to try our hardest. Ask anyone that we come across."
Legolas answered.

Losider nodded his head.
"He said the bird had a rider, I wish he would have told us what the rider looked like. It would help."
Losider said.
"I know a few people who own birds, but I do not know if they would ever steal from Aragorn."
Legolas said.

"Then we should go to them, see if they know anything."
Losider suggested.
"I was thinking that we should probably do that."
Legolas replied.

Group Staff, Location: A couple of miles away from Rivendell

"So Gandalf, how will we find this thing Aragorn lost?"
Merry asked.
"Well first off, Aragorn did not lose it. It was stolen from him. Also I do not know."
Gandalf said.

Well that was helpful...
Merry thought.
He looked at his traveling companions.
It was going to be boring because he didn't have Pippin.
At least Gimli was there.

Milia was silent, she knew Legolas probably wasn't happy that she wasn't in his group.
But she didn't mind it.
She was actually happy to be in that group.
If she wasn't then poor Grinila may have been the only girl.

Also Elrohir was there, so that made her happy as well.
The dance last night was very fun.
She put it as one of the best nights of her life.
She hoped that Elrohir did as well.

Group Axe, Location: A few miles away from Rivendell

Pippin felt very awkward when he was around Listal.
She was the prettiest hobbit he had ever laid eyes on.
He tried his best not to do anything foolish.

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