Didn't See That Coming

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Arvendir watched helplessly, along with Aragorn.
Sam and Esmerelda didn't look.
They both covered their eyes.
Esmerelda peeked just a little though.
Suddenly from behind them there was a loud whistle.
It made them all cover their ears.
Then they saw the big bird, it was rushing down.
It's large wings soaring in the wind.

It was heading for Merilwen and Ithilwen.
They were inches from the ground, as the bird grabbed them with it's claws.
Then lightly set them on the ground, in front of Arvendir and Aragorn.
Arvendir rushed towards Merilwen, he hugged her tightly.
"I thought you were going to die."
Arvendir said with relief.

"Die? Ha! You thought I would let my bird kill innocent elves? Never! I was just having a little fun."
A voice said from behind them.
Aragorn swung around to see someone walking towards them.
"You thought that was funny?"
Aragorn asked, he was annoyed.

"Yes! Most fun I've had in awhile. I'm Caladhiel, I live here, well I sort of live here. I travel a lot."
She said, taking off a black glove on her hand.
"I'm Aragorn..."
He sighed.

"Are you and elf?"
Esmerelda asked, as she studied Caladhiel.
"Sort of, half human half elf. So therefore I am peredhil."
Caladhiel repiled, as she ran her hand through her hair.
"Why would you do that to us? I thought I was going to die. I STILL HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR!"
Ithilwen exclaimed.

"Yeah like Leggy..."
Esmerelda whispered to herself.
Ithilwen cranked her head towards Esmerelda, she was annoyed.
"What did you say?"

Esmerelda said, she was a little freaked out.
Ithilwen stood, dusting off her clothing.
Merilwen set her hand on Ithilwen's shoulder.
"Are you alright?"
She asked.
"I need some time alone, I'm tired."
Ithilwen replied.

Merilwen nodded her head.
"We'll stay here for tonight."
Aragorn said, he glared at Caladhiel.
"No more pranks."

Caladhiel shrugged her shoulders and smirked, "I can't make any promises."
Aragorn rolled his eyes.
Caladhiel walked over to her bird.
"Does anyone want to go for a ride? She's willing to give one."

Esmerelda thought about it, then she turned to Sam.
"Oh no Es, I'm not riding on that bi-"
Before Sam realized it, he was being pulled by Esmerelda towards the bird.
"Looks like someone's interested!"
Caladhiel said.

"Es I really can't."
Sam said.
"Oh come on you big baby! Let's just ride the bird."
Esmerelda said, pushing Sam towards the bird.
Caladhiel's bird lowered itself and Esmerelda hopped on.
Sam did as well, there was no way he was getting out of this.

"Take it easy Fay."
Caladhiel whispered into her bird's ear.
The bird chirped loudly.
Then it took off.
Caladhiel watched and she smiled.
Aragorn didn't like it, but also it's nice to get away from Esmerelda every now and then.

Group Axe

Thaladir thought it was best to find a resting place for the night.
So they camped a little ways outside of Bree.
A small fire got started and they ate some dinner.

Listal was very eager to see her brother, it's the only thought that ran through her head.
She was becoming a little less shy than before.
Good thing Laineth was there, she was glad she had another female to talk to.

Thaladir still had no idea on how they would find this thing, it was the only thing on his mind.
He wondered if any of the other groups have had any luck.
Possibly, but also it seemed impossible.
But he needed to stop thinking that, and be positive about it.
It was somewhere in Middle Earth, and they would find it.
One way or another.

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