The More Crazy The Better

56 13 42

Group Sword, Location same place...

"Oh please please pleassssse let me come with you! I promise I won't be a distraction, I'll keep quiet and you won't even know I'm there!"
Caladhiel begged over and over again.
Aragorn tried to ignore her, but she was talking so loud.

"Caladhiel! Please! Just stop asking, I've already told you my answer."
Aragorn told her for the tenth time.
Caladhiel narrowed her eyes at Aragorn, she just wanted to follow them, but she had a different plan.

"Fine! I'll stay here alone! With no one but Fay to talk to, and she can't even answer me besides saying SQUAWK and CHIRP. And to think I thought we would be friends! I guess I thought wrong..."

Aragorn rolled his eyes.
Esmeralda's eyes were huge and filled with tears, her hands held over her mouth, she started to slowly walk towards Caladhiel.
Esmerelda tightly hugged Caladhiel, then turned around and faced Aragorn.
"She is coming with us whether you like it or not!"

"We don't need anyone else!"
Aragorn pleaded once more.

Esmerelda yelled at Aragorn, he jumped and accidentally screamed a very high pitched scream.
Caladhiel tried not to laugh, she had to cover her mouth.

"Come on Caladhiel! Let's get a head start, they'll catch up."
Esmerelda said, as she skipped over to Fay.
Sam shook his head in disappointment.

Caladhiel patted Aragorn on the back, and smiled.
Aragorn tried to act like nothing happened, but they all saw and heard him scream like a little girl when Es yelled.

"Fine... let's get going."
Aragorn sighed.

Caladhiel quickly jumped on Fay, along with Esmerelda.
Fay started to rise into the air, Es waved to Aragorn and the others.
"Don't get to far ahead!"
Aragorn shouted.
Then he motioned for the others to follow him.

Group Staff, Location somewhere near a lake.
Yes, they travel fast...

Gandalf led them so many different ways, even he didn't know where they were.
"Gandalf, where are we?"
Merry asked.

"Somewhere Merry..."

"You don't even know where we are."
Merry said.

Gandalf didn't answer, he just kept walking.
"Um Gandalf..."
Grinila calmly said.

"What is it now!"
Gandalf shouted as he turned around and saw they were surrounded.
"Of course..."

Few people wearing all back were surrounding them, each one had a spear or arrow only a few inches away from their faces.
Elrohir stood in front of Milia, keeping her protected.

Gandalf took one step forward and one of them fired an arrow at him.
"Next time, I'm not going to miss."
The archer said, but in elvish.

"Drop your staff, and any weapons you have."
Another told them.

They all did as they said, they dropped each weapon they had.
Gandalf thought this was the most ridiculous thing ever.

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