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"Come hobbits! We are almost there." Gandalf said.

"Almost where?" Esmerelda said.

"You'll see..." Gandalf sighed.

Prisca hadn't said a word to Grinila since the whole Frodo thing. She thought it was the strangest thing, but she knew that she wasn't the only one who liked Frodo. Which made her a tad bit angry.

Esmerelda joined Prisca, with an apple in her hand and was taking big bites at a time.

"Hey Pris! You seem like you could use some company."

"Yeah, I guess I could use some." Prisca sighed.

Esmerelda narrowed her eyes at Prisca, "What's the matter with you?"

"Oh—um nothing, just tired."

Esmerelda didn't believe her for one second, "That's not the problem Pris, there's something else wrong and I need to know. Come on spit it out!"

Prisca sighed loudly then turned to Esmerelda.
"Really Es, it's nothing."

"Tell me. I can keep a secret."

"But it's not a sec- well yeah... I guess it is actually. Also since when do you keep secrets?"

"I'm all ears, and that's none of your concern."

Prisca explained what happened when she was introducing the other hobbits to Grinila, Esmerelda listened carefully as she made strange looks.

"I see there's some jealously going on here."

Esmerelda lightly nudged Prisca's shoulder a few times, "You do know Pris, that I am a master at these kind of things."

Prisca had choked on air once she heard Esmerelda say that, "You? A master at love? I doubt it."

"Oh but it's true! Trust me, I can help you with your Frodo situation."

"I don't need any help, thanks."

"Oh well! I guess you'll just let Grinila get in the way of you and Frodo."

Prisca's right eye twitched, "Fine Es! Please help me I'm desperate!"

Prisca grabbed Esmerelda by the shoulders as Esmerelda smirked.

"You came to the right hobbit."

Location: Mirkwood

"Milia! Livian! Come here!" Legolas yelled.

"Where are you Legolas?" Milia said.

There voices echoed off the walls over and over.

"Milia! I'm over by the throne room!" Livian said.

"Yes meet us there Milia! I'm almost in the throne room just meet me and Livian there!" Legolas said.

"Alright I'm almost over there."

Finally they had all met up in the throne room and stood before their father, Milia's hair was messed up and she was breathing heavily.

"Milia, may I ask what you were doing before I summoned all of you?" Thranduil said and his head turned towards Milia.

Legolas and Livian looked at her as well, "Sorry father I was training when you summoned me." Milia said.

Story of Interesting Things Going on in Middle EarthWhere stories live. Discover now