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"I'm Hansol Vernon Chwe,"

Damn, he's fucking hot. Seriously though, this guy is what I've been looking for my whole life. He does looks like he's from America though.

"I'm Seungkwan Boo," I introduced myself and smiled, "Are you seeing the student president too?"

He gave me a look and scaned through me. Then he smirked and rolled his eyes apathetically. Ignoring me, he straight up unlocked the door with golden keys.

"Wait how di-" I queastioned, but he slammed the door in front of my face and cutted me off.

I feel my whole body heating up, I just cluelessly stand there, for almost what seems like forever, before I could draw myself back to reality.

I took a deep breathe and carefully placed my hand on the door knob. After a few seconds of hesitating, I slowly twisted it open. In front of me was a large, simple, and clean waiting room. But that hot dude was no where to be seen.

As soon as I comfortably sat down on the softest sofa ever, I vaugely heard small moans and groans coming from inside another room.

'Ahhhh Harder...."
"Don't stop babe..."

I swallowed, it couldn't be that, right?

So I waited and waited, rolled my eyes for the 100th time, and the moans finally stoped. Then suddenly, the other room's door clicked open.

A red-faced girl walked out of the room, no, more like ran out of it. She noticed me and pulled down her skirt a bit more, and she fixed her button-up shirt. She glared at me one more time, and sprinted out of the room.

Followed by her, the freaking hot guy came out. He saw me, then parted his lips, "Get out."

"What the," I almost cursed, "What were you doing in there? It couldn't be-"

"Get the fuck out of here, now," He dangrously steped closer.

"What if I don't?" I argued, who does he think he is? Sure, a cute guy? But nobody can treat Boo Seungkwan like this.

"Are you deaf?" He steped closer, again.

"I'm here to see the student president, and that's none of your business."

"I am the student president."

"So here's my forms," I held out my forms to him, "Now can I have my class schedule?"

"I'm not taking it," He steped closer, again, "And you're not accepted in this school."

I fell in slience, he looked at me. The expression on his face was full of arrogance and annoyance. If he is treating my dream like this, he is an asshole. That to me, was irritating, very.

I slapped him hard straight on his face.

"I. Am. Done. With. You. Asshole." I throw these words to him and heads for the door.

He grabbed me. Hard. On the wrist. He harshly pulled me close to him, his breathe tickled my ear, "What did you say?"

"You're an asshole," I smiled. My voice was way more confident than what I expected.

"No, wait, I'm sorry," I said, his expression softened for a millisecond.

"You, are way more horrible than an asshole."

Fire burned in his eyes, he squeezed my wrist hard. Harder and harder until the pain was unbearable, I screamed, I thought I was going to die when the blood stoped flowing.

"You are expelled," He claimed, his voice shuddering, "Remember, nobody can treat me like this."

"You can't do that! This is my dream! You... You can't do that!" I screamed, the pain from my wrist killing me faster each second.

"I can," He said, "And I will."

The door opened right before I was going to pass out, and a soft and angelic voice floated into my ears. Angel? Am I in heaven?

"You can't," The angel said, his soft voice gone, "And you won't."

I feel the angel getting closer, with 2 people by his side.

"Seungkwan! Please wake up! Seungkwan!" Mingyu's voice, I abruptly opened my eyes. I found myself surrounded by 4 guys.

Jeonghan. Mingyu. Asshole. And... Someone else.

"Seungcheol," Jeonghan, the angel said towards the man besides him, "Get him out of Vernon."

Seungcheol nodded his head at Jeonghan, who smiled at him, and helped me.

"Um, thank you," I nervously thanked him, something special about him was different than all of us.

"You're welcome," He replied and walked back to Jeonghan, who smiled at him, again. The Seungcheol guy smiled too, and his fierce demeanor was no where to be felt.

"Like I said," Jeonghan said towards Asshole, "Seungkwan is staying here."

"He is not," Asshole's voice softened a little bit.

"He is," Mingyu backed me up and smiled at me, "Or else, you will be expelled."

"Fuck!" Asshole shouted and kicked the table.

"That's right," I bravely smiled, "Fuck yourself, Asshole."

He shoot one last look to me, "You will pay for this."

And he walked out the door, slamming it hard.


Finalllyy verkwan moments! Or not lol.

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