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the boys kiss.

hansol whispers while he teasingly blows into seungkwan's ear, "what are you blushing about, now?"


"it's hansol! he's here!"

"it's really hansol! aah he's so cute today as always!"

"- but he never shows up on time..."

"i just don't get why all girls like him. he's just another fucking dick."

"who's that? the person walking with him?"

"they're holding hands!"

whispers in the hallway soon grew larger, but even more pressed together.

"who is he..."

"he's seungkwan! boo seungkwan! hansol's roommate! he just transferred here..."

seungkwan looked down towards their locked hands. their fingers are tightly intertwined, seungkwan could feel the warmth hansol's hand brings. as he tried to hide his blush away, he couldn't help but be amazed at, well, hansol's popularity.

"don't give a fuck about what they say," hansol whipers, as he turns around and leans close to seungkwan's ear.

"i- i don't really care anyways," seungkwan flinch at hansol's sudden movements, "and you need to stop leaning so close everytime you talk to me! i can hear you perfectly fine."

"ok babe," hansol leans close again while smirking, "i take it as you want them all to know that you're mine."

"that- that's not what i mean! i-"

before seungkwan could finish, a scream pierced through the whispering hallway. "FUCK YEAH! VERKWAN IS FUCKING OFFICAL!"

hansol and seungkwan exchange eye contacts and both sigh with a smile, "minghao..."

"MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS TO ME! VERKWAN IS OFFICAL!" minghao screams, somehow triumphantly. jun appears with him, giving hansol a pat on the back.


hansol laughed, pulling seungkwan away from minghao and close to him, "of course. and he's mine, not 'ours'."

seungkwan rolled his eyes hopelessly at hansol.

minghao teasingly rolled his eyes at hansol, too. then, he wraps his arm around seungkwan's again. sucking on his lollipop, he looks around towards the crowd, "by the way, seungkwannie, do you know someone named hoshi? he's older than us, but not by that much. and he was walking with a short guy with pink hair..."

"he's my hyung! before i came to this school, i used to live with him and his boyfriend woozi!" seungkwan smiled, "why'd you ask?"

"i saw them in the office today, checking in for something," minghao said, and a smirk quickly formed on his lips, "who... who tops?"

"minghao! is that all you care about?" jun sat down next to minghao and gently gave him a knock on the head.

seungkwan shook his head, "i used to help hoshi-hyung with his shop. he was also a student here!"

"hoshi... as in soonyoung?" hansol asked and seungkwan nodded, "he just stopped by student gov. a few days ago."

"for what?" junhui asked.

"temporary sub. for some teacher," hansol replied, and looked towards seungkwan, "did you eat breakfast yet?"

"no..." seungkwan blushed, thinking back to this morning in their dorm, "because- hansol!"

hansol laughed. he liked this morning very much.

"here," hansol pulled out a breakfast sandwich and a small box of milk from his bag and handed it to seungkwan, "i brought it this morning while you were still in bed."

seungkwan smiled. he didn't expect hansol to be so caring, "since when did you became so nice?"

"why do you have so many questions!" hansol lightly blushed and patted seungkwan gently on the head with an embarrassed smile, "besides, i told you that i'll make it up for what happened before."

seungkwan couldn't help but smile at the little changes hansol was willing to make for him. he felt his heart softening, and smiled.

seungkwan took out the sandwhich and asked hansol, "do you want a half? you didn't eat anything yet..."

"nope, already did this morning." hansol leaned in, again, and whispered with a smirk.

seungkwan looked away, blushing hard.

junhui glanced at the two boys sitting in front of them and sighed. maybe it was wrong of him to think that hansol was kidding this time about 'liking seungkwan.

he could see his bestfriend changing, slowly.

for the better, and for seungkwan.


a/n- iM aLiVe??
please comment & vote they give me mOtiVATIon!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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