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#HappyThe8Day () I lobu u sooo much meh bb minghao like how much mingyu lobu his carrots('・ᆺ・') [110616]



I walked into the classroom right when the bell ringed, "Good morning! Everybody! I'm Boo Seungkwan your new and favorite classmate!"

Everyone stared at me. I nodded my head at them and smiled proudly at them. A few of the boys smiled at me too, one with brown hair, one with blond hair, and one with black hair.

"Well, like he said, his name is Boo Seungkwan," the teacher said nervously, "Well, Seungkwan, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and I'll introduce all your classmates to you?"

"Thank you Mrs.Helli, your job here is done," I said and she shooted me a confused look, "I'll take on from now on and be the MC."

She looked at me and shaked her head. So I introduced myself and asked about everyone, a few of the girls were kind of mean, but some boys are really cute. After that, the teacher arranged my seat for me and started the lesson.


"Woah- oh - oh - Ohhhhhh!" I heard someone sang. Interesting.

I walked up to him, "Let me introduce myself, im seungkwan, im from Jeju, yo"

"Wassup man!" The brown hair boy shaked my hand.

"Yo bro, you is so cool! English very very well?"

"Yahhh of coures bro! You is... people understands me... One!"

We laughed at each other, ignoring all the confused eyes at us. After a few simple conversations, I gained the infos that his name is Dokyoem, but he prefers being called DK. He explains to me about our schedule and lead me to the changing room, "Our next class is dessert making," He explained, "All students have to change."


I ran out of the changing room, still trying to straighten my hat. Everything about this cooking uniform is perfect, probably one of the fanciest clothes I've seen all my life.

When I finally made my way to the culinary art classroom, students have already gathered around the teacher and the huge white board. Crystal clean windows that was dropped all the way to the neatly tiled floor, and a comfortable milky white wall paint plus strong aromas of all different kinds of desserts made here paradise for me. The room was huge, so huge that I'm not able to hear the stuff the teacher is saying in the other side of the room.

DK waved me over to stand next to him. Once I found the spot, my eyes toured around the room. I found Jeonghan, Seungcheol and Mingyu waving at me. I smiled and waved back. DK opened his mouth as if he was going to shout something, but the teacher interrupted him just in time.

"Today we'll be making strawberry cheesecake," The teacher announced, scanning the room, "It might sound like a simple dessert, but to make it perfect, it's probably the hardest."

She's right. Strawberry cheesecake being such a simple and common dessert, the biggest problem for a professional patissier is how to make your cake stand out. Everyone can make the cake, but only professionals can make a special flavored one that can catch people's eyes, taste-buds and heart.

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