~ March ~

44 1 0

I press the 'snooze' button and turn on the other side when I hear my phone ring.

I peek with one eye at the display and see Bridget's name.

When I told you you could call me any day I didn't actually mean it, you know?

Oh shut up. I know you love hearing my voice.

I'm still sleeping.

OMG! What time is it in LA?


Oh shit, sorry! I forgot.

Don't worry. I set my alarm at 6.25 because I wanted to go out for a jog.

Are you not?


Oh Chloe.

So why did you call me?

I may or may not have done something extremely stupid...

My ears perked up and I sat up straight on the bed.

What did you do?

I accidentially ran into Harry the other day. To my defence I have to say that it looked like he was waiting for me. Anyway, he asked me about you and he did it so casually that I answered.

What did you say?

That...that you're alright. And that we talk on the phone. And he asked me where you were and I said LA.


I'm sorry. It slipped out. I didn't mean to. I know you're mad. Please don't be mad at me.

Did he say something else?

No. He was in a rush.


LA is a big city. No harm done. Right?


I'm not mad at you. He can be very persuasive.

Do you think he will tell the others?

I don't know. I don't care.


Is that all cause I don't wanna be late for work today.

Yes. Talk to you soon. Bye


I showered, got dressed and had breakfast in under 30 minutes. Today was an important day at the office. Anne called for a meeting with the staff. There was quite the buzz around this meeting and I wouldn't want to be late for it. Maybe we were all in for a raise?

A: I called this meeting today because there are some things I want to discuss with you. Our accounting department gave me the monthly report a few days ago and I wasn't exactly pleased by it. As you all know our magazine is doing well, but it could do a lot better. We haven't found the magic key yet so as of right now we're in the red. I thought long and hard about this and I've come to the conclusion that I don't want to lay off anyone. But that also means I have to cut the salary. I know a lot of you depend on the money. The people in charge of the finances are already looking into ways to ensure that the cuts won't be too radical. But they are inevitable. I'm sorry.

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