~ August ~

43 1 0

Are you sure you don't want to stay with Sam and me?

Absolutely. You have things to take care of. A wedding to plan.

Where are you gonna stay then? And please don't say in a hotel.

No. I'm staying at... I'm staying at Zayn's.


I know what you think. But he offered me to stay at his place and I think it's reasonable.

You know what? Okay. Yes, you do that.

Are you mad?

No, Chloe. Just disappointed.

I sighed into the phone and closed my eyes. Someone knocked against the open door and I slowly opened them again.

Z: You ready to go?

C: Yeah.

Listen, Bridget I gotta go. Talk to you soon, okay?

Yeah, bye.

She hung up and I sighed again.

Z: Did you tell her you're staying with me?

C: Yup.

Z: She didn't take it very well I suppose.

C: Nope.

Bridget got off the phone with Chloe and sighed. She couldn't understand why Chloe still hung onto Zayn.

S: What's wrong?

B: I just spoke to Chloe. She's being released today.

S: Good. Is she staying here? The doctors said she needs to rest.

B: No. She found someplace else to stay.

S: Oh oh.

B: Right. Zayn's.

S: Well, he-

B: No! Don't even try. We're talking about the guy who- I don't even wanna think about it. She's clearly not in the position to make an objective decision.

Arriving at Zayn's the other boys and their girlfriends were already there.

Zayn opened the door and was met with 7 pairs of eyes.

Z: Who let you all in?

H: We knew you'd leave to get Chloe so we met up at Louis' and waited there.

Li: Where is Chloe?

I entered the foyer and took in the new surroundings. Zayn must've bought this house recently. It kind of looked like his previous one but more Zayn.

Z: Chloe needs to rest. I'm sorry to disappoint you but the party's canceled.

I followed the voices that led me into the spacious living room. I noticed that everyone was there.

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