~ June ~

46 1 1

London - Bridget's POV...

S: Babe, we're gonna be late. Are you ready?

B: In a moment. I can't find my earrings.

I exited the bedroom clad in a figure-hugging midnight blue dress that reached down to my knees. I had bought it especially for tonight.

B: Do you think the dress is okay? I mean shouldn't I have gotten a long one?

In moments like these I regretted not having Chloe around. She would've adviced me on what dress to get.

S: You look gorgeous. Listen, don't panic. It's just dinner with my parents.

B: Don't panic?! Just dinner?! No, Sam. It's me meeting your parents for the first time. That's what it is.

I couldn't overlook the fact that this was the first time I'd see them in the year that me and Sam have been together. I figured I must have been special, maybe Sam thought about a future with me? Why else would he wait for so long to introduce me to his parents? If I meant nothing to him I would've  probably met them a lot earlier, randomly even. It wouldn't be anything special.

This here was special. We were going to have dinner in one of London's most expensive places.

Later that evening...

B: Mrs. Parker, thank you for the lovely evening.

Mrs. P: Oh, love. It was all Sam.

I choked on air when she replied. I had excused myself to use the ladies room and she quickly followed me.

B: I thought you arranged this?

Mrs. P: Sam wanted us to meet you for the longest time. But see dear, we were in Spain all of last month. That's why it took us so long to reply. I'm sorry. I don't want you to think we don't like you. Cause we do.

I just stood there dumbfounded. So Sam's been trying to arrange a meeting for the past 4 weeks and I had no idea about it. He made it sound so casual when he suggested we should have dinner with his parents I never considered it to be his idea.

Mrs. P: Honey, are you alright?

B: Yes, perfect. Please excuse me for a moment.

I exited the ladies room and walked past our table. I pointed at my phone which I clung onto and Sam nodded understandingly.

Outside I searched for Chloe's number in my contacts, but hesitated pressing <call>.

This is ridiculous. She's my best friend. If I can't count on her for good advice then who else would I call?

 My fingers brushed over the <call> button, then quickly pressed <cancel>.

She probably won't even wanna talk to me. She made it clear last time I called her.

I went back inside and joined Sam and his parents just in time for dessert.

Sam cleared his throat and began to speak.

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