~ October ~

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Z: Why didn't it work out between you and Derek? You are perfect for each other.

C: Excuse me?

Z: He loves you. And he cares about you. And you do too.

C: Yes.

Z: Then why did you break up?

C: I told you why. Very detailed.

Z: You made a mistake. You'll never find someone who'll love you like he does.

C: What is this? Exactly?

Z: Why did you tell me you still love me? You shouldn't.

C: I shouldn't? What do you mean?

Z: You shouldn't be in love with me. Not when you have someone like Derek ready to fulfill your every wish.

C: Zayn, you're a terrible match maker. If that's what you're trying to do. And second, stop thinking about Derek. Why are you saying I made a mistake?

Z: Think about it. You dated for a short time but you got to know each other better then you and I did in a year. You have a lot in common with him. And nothing with me.

C: I don't understand. I don't see why you should compare yourself to him.

Z: Because you do it!

C: I don't.

Z: You told me you love me, then you kissed Derek.

C: So that's what this is about? You're jealous? Well, in case you haven't noticed, Derek isn't jealous. Wanna know why? Because there's no point in being jealous. He knows exactly I won't change my mind. We broke things off because I still have feelings for you.

Zayn got up and sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his fingers through his hair and exhaled.

C: I made up my mind. When will you?

I got up and turned around. His hand grabbed mine and pulled me down next to him.

Z: I just need to know if you are sure about this. About us.

C: We deserve a second chance.

He looked at me with so much happiness in his eyes I thought my heart was going to burst. I smiled slighly and pulled him in for a hug. I wanted to take baby steps this time. Make sure I don't do anything I might regret in the future. But I also knew the effect he had on me. This would be a tough task for the both of us.

Z: What do you say we go out tonight?

He said once he let go of me.

C: I have a better idea.


Later that evening I went down to the kitchen and looked in every cupboard until I found what I was looking for. Zayn had been painting all afternoon and was now probably asleep on the couch. I tried to make as little noise as possible but I guess he wasn't sleeping after all.

Z: What are you doing in here?

C: This kitchen looks like it's not being used enough. It's a shame, really. You've got a nice kitchen.

Z: I thought we would head out?

C: Nope. We're staying in. I like staying in.

Z: I kinda wanted to take you out on a date...

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