~ December ~

43 0 0

I had woken up the next day and immediately checked the ring finger of my left hand. Nope! No ring there. I had walked downstairs to join the rest at breakfast. When they saw me they knew something was up.

B: You look weird. What happened? Did you had a bad dream?

C: It was a dream, but no, I wouldn't call it bad.

El: What was it about? I can help you figure it out. I'm pretty good at this.

Lo: No, she's not.

El: Oh shush!

C: I'd rather not.

Great! Now I have everyone's attention.

Lo: Spill it.

C: Okay. I was sitting with you Zayn on the couch. It was after we found out you all left, thanks for that btw. So we sat there and I don't exactly know how it happened but, okay don't laugh, but Zayn you kinda... well, you kinda proposed to me.

Everyone sat there dumbfounded, forks stopped mid-air and if it wasn't in the middle of winter I'm sure you'd heard chirping noises.

C: Won't anybody say anything?

Bridget blinked, otherwise the room remained motionless.

C: Okay, well thanks for making me feel awkward. Yet again!

I grabbed my plate and went to sit down in the living room. Zayn followed me and sat next to me. He didn't speak at first, clearly unable to form a sentence.

Z: Why did you say we shouldn't laugh? I thought you had one of your weird dreams. This isn't weird.

C: I'm terrified, and you're not helping.

Z: You can relax. I won't propose to you on this trip. I'm saving it for later.

C: How much later?

Z: When you're ready.

C: Good! ... Good. Wow! I was scared there for a minute. Not that I... I mean, I would, but it's too soon, right? You agree with me, right?

Z: Yes.

C: Good! ... Good.

Z: Alright. I'm going to back to the others. You coming?

C: Yeah, I'll be right over.

I smiled faintly and stuffed my mouth with El's porridge before Zayn had a chance to say something else. When he disappeared I took my phone out and texted Becca.

To Becca:
Emergency. Need 2 talk. Be over at 3.

I hit <send> and put my phone away as I made my way back to the kitchen. I waited for a couple minutes before I received a reply from fer.

From Becca:
Omg what happened? Is something wrong?

To Becca:
No, everything's fine.

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