~ November ~

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Lo: It's like you were made for each other.

Z: I guess I always felt there was something that drew me to her, I just never knew what it was.

B: Now you know. You're a lot like each other.

El: Why did she regret that interview. It's so inspiring.

B: Her mom told me she felt stupid for revealing so much about herself. From that moment on she really became the mysterious and elusive being that people claimed her to be.

H: Probably to protect her private life.

Z: What do I do now?

B: Nothing! You just continue doing what you were doing. Nothing changes. See, that's what threw Chloe off in the past. Everytime you found out something new about her you would change your course. It shouldn't be that way. You're on a good path. Continue.

El: Wow. You really changed your mind, didn't you?

B: I realized that you can't mess with fate. Zayn and Chloe belong together. That's just the way it is.

Bridget looked over at Zayn only to find him brooding.

B: Stop thinking. You be yourself. And everything else will fall into place. I promise.


C: Did you see my Louboutins? Zayn, I can't find my Louboutins!

Z: What?

C: Black high heels. Red sole.

Z: What?

C: Zayn, we're gonna be late!

Z: Don't worry.

C: But-

Z: They won't leave without us. Take your time.

Three weeks had passed after Zayn had seen that video of Chloe. He realized then that him and Chloe belonged together and tonight he would tell her.

C: Do you have the flight tickets?

Z: Yes.

C: Passports?

Z: Yes. Look, it's all taken care of. Don't stress.

Chloe took a deep breath and exhaled.

C: I guess I'm just nervous about going back to New York. I don't know why. Just a weird feeling.

Z: Maybe because of what happened there?

C: I don't have the best memories, let's just put it that way.

They both finished packing and met with Eleanor and Louis at the airport.

El: Are Bridget and Sam here yet?

C: No. They should be here any minute now.

Lo: Let's go check in. I don't want any paps to show up.

A few minutes later Sam and Bridget joined the rest.

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