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I put one foot in front of the other, my biggest concern being to not fall over. A collective gasp was heard and loud applause followed.

They're clapping? For me?

I looked left and right as I walked down the runway, interacting with the audience. But I was also looking for my parents, and the boys, and Bridget. They all had no idea I was opening the show.

As I came to a halt at the end of the runway, I posed and looked to my left. There, hidden in the second row, were my parents, Bridget, the boys. And Zayn, who was standing now, frantically applauding me.

I blew him a kiss and waved before I turned and walked back.

Phew! I did it!

I walked backstage to quickly change into my second outfit. The production team congratulated me but I couldn't dismiss the occasional jealous stares form some of my model colleagues.


After the show all the models went to the after party and I had more people congratulating me. Among them were also a few strangers and I couldn't help but think that those were the only ones who meant it.

Soon after Bridget and Eleanor arrived and told me Becca would be joining us with the boys soon. At first I wasn't sure if it was such a good idea to invite them. Especially Zayn. I know it's a harsh thing to say since he's my boyfriend, but I didn't want to give people a reason to talk. And God knows what they'd talk about.

B: You were amazing.

El: Yes! Absolutely gorgeous. Everyone gasped when they saw you.

C: Thank you!

B: I had now idea you would be First Face though.

C: I didn't know either. There was a problem with the model who was supposed to open the show so they made me fill in.

From the corner of my eye I saw Liz approaching and cursed inwardly.

Liz: Great show, Chloe. You looked good out there.

C: Thanks.

I fake-smiled and hugged her. At this point there was no need trying to be nice. I had already made up my mind.

When I saw the boys being guided through the masses I excused myself, grabbed El and Bridget by the hand and walked towards them.

C: Let's get outta here. I know a place where we can celebrate.

We got in a limousine and I gave the driver directions to The Hamptons.

Becca: Wait? Your people own a house in Southhampton?

C: Actually it's mine.

Becca: Neat!


Lo: This is a freaking castle!

I hear Louis say as the driver pulled up to the driveway.

C: There's the main house, a big garden in the front, to your left there's a tennis court, a pool and the beach house.

B: Where's the beach?

C: In front of you!

El: Too bad it's dark and we can't see.

C: You'll see everything in the morning. We're staying here for the weekend.

H: Yay! I can play tennis!

We walked in and I guided the party crowd to the living room while I went to the kitchen in search for some champagne.

When I returned everyone was busy admiring my dad's tennis trophies.

B: Who knew Uncle Rob was so competitive?

C: He's just winning because the others are losing!

Everyone laughed as I uncorked the champagne. I filled everyone's glasses and raised mine.

C: I'd like to say something. These past 2 years were incredible. Because I got to be with all of you. No matter how hard times were we always somehow stuck together. And that's what it's all about, right? To have amazing friends to share the ride with.
But there's still one thing missing in my life. Bridget, Eleanor, I truly envy you. I always thought the job came first. I was wrong. It took me long to realize what's really important in life.
Zayn, I think I need to apologize. I was unknowingly blaming you somehow, when in reality I was the one who kept me from living the life I wanted to live.
I realized that, although I'm still young, I don't want to spend all my life working and regret it later.
I need a normal life, a normal future. I'm ready for it. I know I am!

Z: What does this mean?

C: I quit my job.

Becca: Chloe!...

C: It was the right thing to do!

B: To a new start.

Everyone raised their glass and I looked at Zayn, who was staring at me from across the room.

He smiled and I knew I did the right thing.

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