~ May ~

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D: Chloe it's been almost a week. Talk to me dammit!

C: What's there to say. You already know.

D: I know there's more. You can't fool me Chloe.

C: Okay. You wanna know the whole story? I lied when I said I was local. I'm from New York. Lived there for my entire life. Last year I lost a friend. I had a hard time dealing with it and I thought a change would do me good. And since I have family in London I decided to move there for some time. In the beginning I struggled so I thought I'd be back in New York soon. That's when I meet them and they completely turned my life upside down. I got involved with one of them-

D: The mexican one?

C: He's not Mexican.

D: Just kidding. Go on.

C: Anyway. Their management never approved on me. They thought I was some type of gold digger. Zayn, my ex, he would defend me but soon their accusations got to his head and he believed they were right. I was in New York when he stood at my front door and practically talked me into taking a break. I agreed because, well to be honest I don't know why I agreed, I just did. But I was hurt so I decided to drink the pain away.

D: Sounds familiar.

C: Don't interrupt me. So as I was saying I met up with some friends and we got pretty much wasted. There were paparazzi lurking but I was too drunk to notice. The next thing I know is I have this huge fight with him at my house, he yells at me, calls me names, then just leaves. I left New York a couple days later and the rest is history.

D: Did he ever try to call you?

C: I never heard from him again. And I didn't call him. Or anyone for that matter. My mom urged me to call Bridget, my cousin from London, because she said that she was worried about me.

D: Is your cousin that person that calls here late at night?

C: Yes.

D: And she also warned you about them coming here? Of course! That's why you were acting so weird at the tattoo shop last week. You didn't wanna see them.

C: They don't know I'm here. I asked Bridget the other day and she said they weren't asking about me. Which is understandable and I didn't expected anything else but it still hurt.

D: And that's why you got drunk?

I slowly nodded my head. Telling him everything lifted a huge weight off my shoulders but now that I thought about it, it also sounded pretty ridiculous.

D: Why do you even care if they see you here? Last time I checked, people were allowed to live wherever the fuck they wanted.

C: I just asked myself the same question. I guess I just panicked because I wasn't prepared. You see, we burned the bridges so fast there are still a lot of unanswered questions.

D: Guess we'll never hear the end of it.

C: Guess not.

At Mark's tattoo shop...

M: Hey man, back so soon?

Li: Yeah. I wanna add some more to the tattoo I got here last year.

M: Sit. I'll be right there with you.

Liam sat down on the brown leather couch. The door opened again and in walked Louis with Zayn.

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