New Updates!!

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Authors Note!

Great news guys! I can finally get back on my laptop which means I can update every week now and I can do more requests more now. But it won't be every day because now I'm in my last year of high school I have to knuckle down and revise like hell!

But I promise you guys that I will try to update more and get more series and requests down for you all and I will try my hardest to get them all done. But once I have finished school in June next year I will be on here much more as I will have more spare time and won't have to go to school for 3 to 4 months then I go to college!

I want to thank you all for the support and all the votes I have gotten on this Fan Fiction! It makes me so happy to see people liking my writing and that people enjoying reading the work I do! But don't worry guys after I have updated this I will be working on a new series!

Love you all dearly!

-Rhiannon xox

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