Coach Horan Series 1

776 27 13

Your POV

7am in the morning

The sound of the alarm rings in my ears waking me from my beauty sleep. Every Sunday morning I have to get up for football practise. I picked up my phone and turned my alarm off and sat up to wake myself up. My phone vibrated again on the table and it was a text message from my best friend Emily.

E- My mum just told me that coach is off for 6 weeks and we have a new and younger coach! Let's hope he is hot ;)

Y/N- Oh dear.. I do worry about you sometimes.. see you at practise :)

Once I finished texting her, I put my phone back and made my way to the bathroom. Then I remember my brother thinks its funny going in the bathroom for ages when he knows I need to get ready, but looks like I'm going to win today. With that thought, I saw in the corner of my eye my older but childish brother stood in his door way with a smirk "Thought you could beat me? Ha! We will see!" he said trying to evil. As soon as he stopped talking I sprinted to the bathroom and without noticing he grabbed me and tried getting me away from the bathroom door. " Tom! Let your sister in the bathroom before I come up there and help her!" Dad shouted from downstairs. " Ha! Don't always win now do we Tom?" I said rubbing it in his face.

Once I got in the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and realised my hair looked like I haven't brushed it for days and I had panda eyes! I quickly brushed my hair and put it in a high pony tail and wash my face; then freshen myself up. When I was finished I went back to my bedroom and started to get changed in to my black shorts, black and red top and black socks. I ran downstairs and quickly ate my breakfast because if not I would be late for practise. I said a quick goodbye to my parents and put my trainers on, once I heard the honk of the car outside . "Bye guys! See you at 10, love you!" I said running out the door with my bag and coat.

When I got outside I saw Emily and her mum in the car waving cheerfully. I jumped in the car " Good morning Mrs Brown, Hi Emily!" I greeted them both politely. "Hello lovely Y/N, has Emily told you that your coach is off fo--" " Yes mum I did, I told her this morning" Emily said rolling her eyes at her mum. We all started laughing at this moment, and moved on to another subject.

Finally we got to football practise, when we arrived all the team was nearly there and there was no sign of a new coach. Me and Emily got out the car and made our way to the football pitch where all the other girls were.  We dropped our bags at the seats and sat down with the other girls waiting for the new coach to turn up, all the girls were talking about him and wondering what he is like; then there's me who doesn't give a damn about it. "Y/N I thinks that's him" Emily whispered in my ear and pointed in one direction (see what I did there).

I turned around to see a tall, dark blonde youngish man stood talking to the old coach and some how he looked familiar. That's when he turned around and looked at me straight in the eyes.. Oh my.. Its Niall..

Them ocean blue eyes were just the same, that was my old boy best friend that I losed contact with 2 years ago, he won't remember me. That's when all the old feelings came back, all the memories, even the bad ones. I remember the last day I spent with him before he was moving and going to an new collage, we told each other we loved each other and admitted our feelings to each other. I already told Emily about Niall and I think she recognised him " We can just go back to my place, have a movie day if you want?" I saw the worried look in her eyes. I shook my head and bravely said " No its fine, I can do this and plus he might not remember me anyway" I smiled and hugged my best friend for thinking about me.

On that thought I think he did remember me because he is walking right up to me now.. He is smiling.. What am I going to do.. Don't panic.. Just breathe.. I think Emily sensed me panicking and held my hand then squeezed it with a smile on her face, then I put my head down and heard " Hello Princess!" in a strong Irish accent. Princess! Bloody Princess! All the feelings were coming back.. He always used to call me Princess.. What can I say back.. Oh hi Niall, I still love you madly after 2 years! Err no....

Authors POV 

Hi guys! Hope you are all well and life has been treating you well! Sorry I haven't been updating as much as I could but now I'm going to get this Series on the roll and carry on with this! I hope you all like it and enjoy it! Love you all!


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