Coach Horan Series 2

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Oh my.. What do i say back to him.. I dont think i can get my words.. "Hi Niall.." i said shyly not even looking him in the eye. " I didnt know you still liked playing football, i thought you would be in collage now" i lifted my head up to look him in the face and he was just like i remember, his baby face with hardly any facial hair, his ocean baby blue eyes that you could get memorized from.. Y/N stop! You look like a complete idiot! "Yeah i do go to collage just do this as a hobbie. I thought you was in collage anyway, back in Ireland?"

"Oh i was but i graduated in sport education and came back here to become a coach" he cheerfully said to me, not breaking eye contact. "Anyway i best start practise for you all" he smiled and reached his hand out for me, to help me get up from the ground. I kindly took his hand and returned with a smile. "Oh my girl, you can tell he still likes you, he cant keeps his eyes off of you!" Emily giggled . "Sssh" i hit her and she started laughing at me because was probably as red as a tomato at this rate.

All through practise Niall was anywhere near me Emily would smirk and give me the eyebrows, but i had to admit me and him caught eye contact quite a lot and i didnt want to make it come across that i still liked him. i mean i was 17 back then and im now 19 about to gradutate from nursing school and buying my own flat, im an independant women as i like to say anyway. I didnt try my best this practise because i didnt want to seem to full on and i didnt want to make myself look stupid.

Finally it was the end of practise and Emily jogged up to me while i searched in my bag for my bottle, "How did you enjoy practise then? Half the time you couldnt keep your eyes on the ball but on something else!" she smirked at me. "Emily shut up already, i cant help itt- -" i then got interupted "what cant you help Y/N?" said a strong irish accent. I turned around and there stood Niall looking as innocent as even "Oh nothing to worry about" i smiled. Only if he knew..

Emily was red in the face trying to keep her laughter in. "Ok Y/N, i am going to help put the footballs and equitment away" Niall smiled and started to walk away. I turned around and stared Emily out "Emily, if we wasnt- -" i said angrily, "Sorry my mums here, got to go byeee" She  ran to her mums car. Yeah thanks Emily for just leaving me here with no one i think..

I looked around and all the girls have gone home and Niall was in the sports hall putting all the equitment away. I sat down on the seats near my bag and got my phone out of my bag, i was going to text my mum and get her to come pick me up because Dad was at work and Tom is most probably sleeping like always.

I turned my phone on and i was half way through texting my mum when my phone died on me. " Oh my god! why!!" i shouted at my phone, how am i suppose to get home now, it is too far to walk and it it freezing. I think i shouted a bit loudly because Niall was all of the sudden stood right next to me, "If you have no way to get home i will drive you if you want, i mean only if you feel confortable with that?" he looked down at his shoes with his hands in his pockets.

I looked at him and mumbled "Sure, if you remember where i live" i smiled at that comment but i think it was a bit harsh. "Of course i remember where you live, we was best friends for 5 years Y/N!" he chuckled lightly. Oh that laugh reminds my of the good times we had, movie days, walks in the park, school, parties and plenty more to think about. "Yeah we was, good times there were" I smiled but then looked down at the ground sadly, i hope he didnt noitce. I stood up and went to grab my bag but then notice Niall already had it on his shoulder carrying it for me.

He saw my expression and laughed, "Good job i know you Niall, nobody and i mean nobody touches my bag!" i say seriously. " i must be special then" he winked then chuckled under his breath. More special than you think.. i laughed to cover up the sadness on my face. He carried on walking to the parking lot and walked up to this Black Range Rover Sport, then unlocked the car. He must of saw the shock in my face " Pretty good isnt it, i love my car and by the looks of it you do too" he chuckled. No i love you Niall.. "Yeah i always wanted this car, they are beautiful" He smiled " Yeah i know, i remember" He opened the passenger door for me and waited until i got in to shut the door. He then went to his side nand hopped into his side.

He put my bag near my feet and glaced at me with a smile, of course i smiled back. Whilst we was driving home, i was quite and it was because i was thinking, too much thinking. The whole car was silent and i was in that much of a daze i didnt notice i was home and Niall was already at my side opening the door for me. I grabbed my bag and hopped out of the car with Niall's arm to support me. He walked me up to the door and made sure i got home ok "I will see you next Sunday at practise then Ni" I smiled facing him, then i noticed i called him is nickname. "I remember that nickname, err.. i was hoping.. err.. if i could see you before Sunday.. if thats good with you? he asked nervously playing with his hands.

I smiled at what he just said to me and answered shortly after " Yes of course i would like to, you still have my number just text me when you want to and im sure i will make the time" i smiled at him. He nodded his head the stood there for a while. Then with no warning he kissed my forehead and said " i havent forgetten what we had before Y/N.." Then walked off and lefted me in shock..

Author's POV

Part 2 guys! Hope you enjoy :*

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