Part Nine

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Marcus woke up from a soundless sleep at one in the afternoon feeling refreshed and in a good mood. Admittedly he wanted a lay in but he didn't expect to sleep in for this long.
This was the first night in months that he hadn't been woken up at three in the morning drenched in sweat by a nightmare. And he was glad.

He made himself a late breakfast and chilled out in the bath for a few hours. Just as he was about to get out his cell rang. It was Cara.
She was inviting herself round to his this evening for a catch up.
That basically meant she wanted sex and he certainly wasn't going to turn her down. As he was getting ready for the evening he suddenly remember last night.

He had murdered another person.

What am I turning into?

Is this how serial killers felt?
Confused and alone but satisfied with what they'd done?
Marcus was certain no one would find the body as it was in a safe place that only he had access to.

Cara arrived at eight. Her long dark hair was curled, she wore a black dress which ended just above the knee to make her seem less easy and a pair of heels. She looked striking.
Marcus had to contain himself when they hugged at the door. She groped his bum and he felt a twinge. They sat down on the sofa with a glass of wine between them.

Conversation turned from social life to work and she asked him how the estates were going. He froze as he remembered what was down in the basement.

"They are going well, one of them is a small mansion and has an amazing view."

"Good! Rick thinks that one will sell as soon as it's on the market."

"How long do you think it will be til both are for sale?"

"Oh not for a while yet I don't think. A month or so."

Marcus was relieved to find out that his secret wouldn't be exposed. Music was playing in the background and they'd moved on to their second bottle of wine. Marcus noticed how much alcohol he had consumed this week and decided it was time to slow down. But slowing down wasn't on Cara's agenda.

When they'd finished the second bottle she leapt on top of him and they began kissing. This would be one of the times when they didn't make it to the bedroom. He knew tonight was his lucky night.

They went again but this time in bed.
He was enjoying himself until a face popped into his head.
Melissa's. He imagined her petite body on top, her hips grinding against him and his hands running through her honey coloured hair. Marcus wished it was her he was sleeping with.

Cara was a woman who was just looking for a one night stand.
She didn't care who you were as long as you gave her what she needed and Marcus did. But she had slept with almost every guy at work and had a reputation. He thought of Melissa and didn't think she was like that.
She seemed different and that's what he liked about her even though they'd only exchanged a few words.

When they'd finished they lay in bed.
Cara wasn't the cuddling type and neither was Marcus. It was a kind of mutual agreement that they had. Purely platonic. They talked for a while and decided to call it a night.
She pecked him on the cheek and left.
Marcus felt slightly used but he'd done this to many women in the past.
He'd only had one serious relationship and that was with his last girlfriend back in Boston.

I wonder what she'd think if she knew what I'd done.

The alcohol had worn off and Marcus was sat watching a movie. Every now and again a faint buzzing would ring in his ears and he'd feel uneasy.
His anxiety was getting bad again.
Which would only mean one thing.
So would his OCD.

Although it was late he went to his bathroom to take an extra prozac but as he opened the box he realised he hadn't been taking it for three days. This wasn't good.
He couldn't remember the last time he had forgotten to take his meds but it hadn't ended well.

Marcus took one and decided to start again tomorrow as usual. As he shut the cabinet he splashed his face with water and looked at his reflection.

His eyes were bleeding.
He rubbed them in panic and looked again at the mirror.
They'd stopped.
Was he hallucinating?

He watched the rest of the film and got into bed. After Cara had left the evening wasn't going so well.
Maybe because he hadn't left his apartment all day or had any fresh air. He lived on the top floor and was lucky to have a balcony so he opened the door and stepped out into the night. The San Fransisco sky line was entrancing.

He didn't often come out here to appreciate the city he lived in.
A few people were walking along the street but it was quiet for a weekend.
When the cold began to bite at his bones he went back inside. He tidied away the glasses, picked up condom wrappers and got ready for bed.
Marcus hoped it would be another nightmare free sleep.
But he was wrong.

This time he was in the warehouse.
It smelt like a hospital and death.
Bright lights shone down on him from above and in front of him was a naked body lying on a trolley.
It was as if it was on its way to a morgue.
Marcus stood beside it and a scalpel appeared in his right hand.
He made an incision in the stomach and cut apart the skin.
Blood oozed over the cavity and Marcus dipped his finger in it.
He brought it up to his nose and inhaled.
Then he licked it.
Suddenly he pulled the skin apart and searched for the intestines.
He found them and dug them out.
Bringing them up to his face he gorged.
It was as if he was starving and dinner had only just arrived.
He laughed sadistically as he spat out chunks that he couldn't manage to swallow.

Marcus woke up at 3:00am with the coppery taste of blood in his mouth.
He spat out saliva as if the dream was real.

Am I now turning into a fucking cannibal?

He had the sudden urge to kill.

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