Part Ten

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Marcus woke up at a reasonable time for a Sunday. He hadn't left the apartment since Friday and couldn't stay in much longer so he decided to go out for coffee. On the way he thought it would be a good idea if he got another prescription for his meds incase he ran out during the week.
He breathed in the autumnal air as he stepped outside. A man walked past walking his dog. He turned and looked at Marcus. The man looked exactly like the one Marcus had murdered Friday night.
Fear enveloped him and he quickly walked to his car.
When he looked at the man again he realised it didn't look anything like the man he'd killed.
It was a stranger.
Was his mind playing tricks on him?

His surgery was not far from the second estate he had visited in the week and he realised the new cafe where Melissa worked was close by.
He went to sign for his meds but was bombarded with questions on a sheet of paper.
Have you suffered from any hallucinations?
Do you get regular headaches?
Have you had any suicidal thoughts?
Apparently it was a new system they had before giving out medication.
Marcus was unsure of whether to be truthful. He had been suffering from severe hallucinations recently but he thought they were connected to his dreams. Headaches weren't a problem for him and he hadn't been feeling suicidal. He didn't tick any of the boxes. After he had signed for them he made his way to the cafe.
As Marcus drove there he couldn't get Melissa's face out of his head.
He hoped she was working today.

Not long after he'd pulled up and parked he had spotted her through the window. Excitement filled him as he walked through the door.
It was fairly busy for a Sunday. Perhaps it was because it was newly opened. He was fourth in the queue and with each step he took he became more nervous. When it was his turn she gave him a beautiful smile.

"Hello again."

"Hey there! What can I get you today?"

Marcus was feeling quite hungry because he'd skipped lunch so he took a look at the sweets. "Can I have a cuppachino and a chocolate muffin please?"

"Sure!" As she made the coffee she asked him how his day was going.

He was tempted to say "Much better now I've seen you." But realised how cheesy that sounded.
"Not bad thanks. A quiet day for me. It's pretty busy in here."

"I know right? We've become quite popular!"

"It must be the customer service." He said and winked. Oh gosh maybe that was just as cheesy. She giggled as she passed him the coffee.

"Maybe! I only work three days a week though so I'm not here that much."

"Oh I see. Well if you're free sometime this week would you like to go for a drink?"

"I don't drink I'm afraid."

"Okay, I would say we could go for a coffee but we don't need to go far!"
He wasn't sure if she'd find that funny but she did.

"I'd like that. My breaks in ten minutes so I will give you my number then."

He paid and sat down at the only free table by the window. Whilst he drank his coffee he watched her. He couldn't wait to take her out.

Marcus was day dreaming out of the window when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Melissa.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you!"

"No you didn't, don't worry!"

"I can't be too long out here but here's my number."

She passed him a torn piece of paper with a number written on it. "Message me so I know it's you then I will call you and we can arrange something."

"That sounds good to me."

"I'm going to have my lunch now. See you later."

She walked off into the back room.
Marcus read the number several times that he lost count. He saved it into his contacts and thought he better not text her straight away because he didn't want to look too keen.

When he had finished he got up and headed home. After an hour of watching TV he gave in and texted her. He knew she wouldn't be able to reply until she'd finished work so he had to be patient.
His OCD hadn't been too bad for a few days but today it had resurfaced.
Was he going to relapse?
Next week it would be six years since his brother Lewis died.
He knew his anxiety would be bad around this time and he knew he had to cope. Marcus couldn't stop thinking about the murders he had committed.
He wished he could talk to someone because he was changing.
But part of him liked what he was becoming.

Marcus decided to do a bit of house work. Turn the dishwasher off and on nine times. Wipe the work surface down in the kitchen five times until the smell overwhelmed him. Take out the trash and close and re open the lid six times. Doing these rituals was stressing him out. Thoughts raced through his mind because he knew if he didn't do these things then someone would die.

Whilst he was putting away the cutlery he stopped when he picked up the knife he had used during his first murder. He looked at his reflection in it and saw a distorted face looking back at him.
Part of him wanted to kill again.
He was starting to get a thrill out of it.
So he decided to go out on the hunt for his next victim.

Marcus waited until dusk fell before he went outside. He took his weapon and stepped out into the cool night air. It was raining and drops hit his face with force. Tonight he fancied something different so he drove off to the part of town where he knew he'd find it.

Although it was a Sunday night he knew they'd still be out on the streets looking for money. Marcus had never brought a prostitute before but knew someone who did regularly. This would be simple. He found a woman who looked to be in her late twenties standing on a street corner smoking. She had short black hair and wasn't very pretty.

As his car cruised along beside her she automatically walked over.
She told him her rates and hopped into the car. He drove into a back street where they were concealed from any prying eyes and before she could begin anything he grabbed his knife and slashed her across the throat.

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