Part Seventeen

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Marcus woke up the next day just before midday. He didn't have work so he didn't bother getting up. All he wanted to do was sleep and not see or speak to anyone. He was at one of his lowest points in his life.

Melissa still hadn't messaged him back.
He couldn't believe she had found out his secret.

Would she go to the cops?
Did that mean Billy would know?
Would Marcus be put in jail for life?

He had given into his thoughts which had been eating away at him for most of his life and it had come down to this. To be honest Marcus had thought to himself that he was lucky he hadn't been caught out before.

How many other murderers had gotten away with killing ten people in the space of a month?

Marcus stared up at the ceiling. Tiny black beady eyes stared down at him, as if judging his actions.

But he ignored them. It had become the norm to see things that weren't really there.

He didn't want to get out of bed but he needed to shower and take his medication.

As he stood in the shower he felt a ball of emotion well up inside him.
He then found himself sitting down with the ice cold water falling on him.
Every now and then the water would turn to blood.

Marcus gave in to the crimson rain.
He knew he was hallucinating and that his mind had almost gone.
Tears ran down his cheeks and he began to sob uncontrollably.

Why did I give into the voices and intrusive thoughts?

Maybe he shouldn't have killed in the first place but he had to otherwise bad things would have happened to him and those closest.
But he had been hurt. He'd let the woman who he cared for slip away from him. It was all his fault.

He got up and stepped out of the shower. In the cupboard above the sink he rummaged around until he found what he wanted.

A razor blade.
Perhaps it was a good idea to just end it all now.

All he had caused was misery.
He looked at his reflection and knew he was better than this so he put it back.

Later on in the evening his door buzzed.
Marcus hoped it was Melissa.

"Marcus. It's me, open up." A bang vibrated through the door.

Fuck it was Billy. Marcus hesitated.
He didn't want to open the door but knew he couldn't ignore his best friend.

"Let me in man."
So Marcus did.

Billy stood there in his uniform staring at Marcus.
"Can I come in?"


He lead him in and Marcus sat down but Billy stayed standing.

"I finally met Melissa. She came down the station and told me what she had discovered. At first I thought she was playing games or you two had fallen out and she was tricking me.
But she seemed pretty genuine."
Melissa had told Billy about what Marcus had done.

"Is it true?"

Marcus's heart beat faster and faster and he didn't know what to say.
He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans.

"Marcus. Answer me." Billy had a stern tone to his voice.

"Yes. It's true."

Billy began to shout at Marcus.
"How the fuck could you do this man?"

"The thoughts were too much for me. I couldn't cope anymore."

"If you needed help you should have come to me. I would have got you to see someone and get therapy."
The more Billy shouted the angrier and frustrated Marcus grew.
Why did Billy not understand that he had to do it.

"You are a fucking murderer. You need locking up."

Those words hit Marcus like a ton of bricks. Maybe this man wasn't truly his best friend. Perhaps all along he had it in for him.
Marcus didn't trust Billy anymore.

"I can't believe you've done this man. I don't know if you can get a lawyer either. This is too much."

Billy's face began to morph into someone else's.
First it turned into a raging demon and then into Carter.

What the fuck is happening?

Marcus turned and ran over to a drawer where he had hidden the gun he had stolen.

"Man put the gun down." Carter shouted.

"No! You've come back to kill me too."
He raised the gun at Carter but suddenly he changed back to Billy.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Billy had now raised his own gun.

Maybe I should just kill him.

He's not my friend anymore.

Marcus stood there shaking.
He wanted to pull the trigger but he knew he couldn't kill Billy.
Marcus let the gun drop to the ground.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were Carter."

"I'm worried about you. And I presume that's my gun?"

"Yes. Take it. Before I do anymore damage." Billy slowly walked over to retrieve the gun.

Marcus dropped to his knees and started to cry. "Billy, help me. I don't know what to do anymore. I've lost Melissa."

"You've got a lot more than that to worry about buddy." He sat down beside Marcus.

"You know I'd never hurt you."

"I know man." Billy went quiet for a while.

They both sat in silence.

"Look. I don't know what I'm going to do yet but I'm going to give you three days to leave San Francisco. If I come back here and find you then I'm arresting you and you will be going to jail. I'm giving you this chance because I know you Marcus. I know you're not truly a killer. Fuck I could get in real big trouble for this."

Those words gave Marcus little hope.
Would he leave the state?

"Marcus you've helped me through a lot in my life. I know I should be arresting you right now but I want to give you this chance."

"Thank you man."

They hugged tightly.

"If in three days I come back here and you're gone then sweet. But if not you're going to jail man. I can't let you walk these streets anymore."

"I understand." Marcus couldn't believe how he'd been let off so lightly.

"I will find you and contact you at some point. Be careful out there."

He said this goodbyes to Billy and watched his best friend leave.
Marcus had lost two of the people closest to him in two days.
This was going to send him over the edge.

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