Chapter Fourteen: "Fan-service"

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Hani had no idea where she was going all she knew was that she had to get away. She ran until she found some steps and sat down, before putting her head in her hands and cried. She couldn't believe that she had let them get to her.

She could hear music and laughter coming from the meet and greet, which only made her feel more alone.

She was stuck between needing someone and wanting her own space.

"Are you the girl that ran out of the meet and greet?" Hani looked up to see Ten standing in front of her with his hands tucked into his pockets, chewing his bottom lip.

Hani didn't trust her mouth, this situation was embarrassing enough without her talking. She nodded and looked down at her sneakers, not knowing what else to do. Should she have just lied and said that the girl had ran past her and she was just a fan that couldn't get in to see her husband, like the girl in the line?

Ten on the other hand knew exactly who Hani was, yet because she still didn't believe that she was texting him he had to act as if he didn't know her.

Whilst Hani continued to stare at her feet, Ten took the opportunity to fully take in her appearance; long chocolate brown hair with a few blonde highlights here and there, hazel eyes that looked glassy from crying, porcelain skin....Ten couldn't find any imperfections.

To think that the sassy, beautiful, kind, funny person he got to know through text was hurting this much pained him. She deserved all the love and happiness in the world and more...yet here she was snivelling, shaking and sobbing slightly.

Ten nudged Hani slightly, indicating for her to move up before sitting down beside her. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Hani stayed silent, not believing what was happening to her, before looking up to face Ten slowly, "Don't you have to meet fans at the minute?"

"You're a fan, right?" Ten raised an eyebrow, making Hani turn her head again. She felt oddly comfortable with Ten even though this is the first time that they had met.

"So, do you want to talk?"

"To be honest, I don't know at the minute."

Even though Hani couldn't see him, Ten smiled at her and stood up before putting his hand out.

Hani turned to see what Ten was doing and shot a suspicious look towards his outstretched hand, "I don't have any money to give you." 

He laughed and shook his head, "That's not what I'm asking for. Let's go out somewhere."


"This can class as fan-service, can't it?" Ten raised an eyebrow again.

Hani scoffed yet placed her hand in his, letting Ten pull her up. As soon as their hands intertwined she felt a sense of calmness take over her. It was much better than listening to those whale noises that apparently sent you into a deep slumber.


"What?" Ten asked as Hani stopped walking.

"My makeup is all over my face. There's no way I can go out like this."

Hani took out wipes from her bag and was ready to wipe haphazardly at her face when they were taken out of her hand.


"You can't see what you're doing. Let me." Ten gently cupped Hani's face with one hand and wiped the mascara tracks off of her cheeks.

Wow, she's gorgeous....

From here Ten could see that Hani's hazel eyes had flecks of gold in them, she had a small freckle to the right of her nose and her cheeks were were turning red. If anything the picture didn't do her justice.

Ten snapped out of his trance once he realised that he must have looked pretty creepy, "There, all done. Now we can go."

Hani on the other hand was trying her hardest not to embarrass herself as Ten took her hand again and pulled them out into the street.

"Ten, I really don't think this is a good idea."

"Trust me, it is."

"What happens if-"

"Stop thinking about the 'what if's' and live in the moment. I have a feeling that you don't do that often enough."

"How do you know? You don't even know my name."

"Of course I know you're name. Your name is Kim Hani."

Ten and Hani both abruptly stopped walking, Ten's eyes wide as he realised he just gave himself away.

"How do you know that?"

Oh damn....
On the bright side...THEY FINALLY MET! Idk how I made this happen but here you go.
And it didn't take me almost a week to post a new chapter, I'm getting better at this😂
As usual, point out any mistakes (nicely of course bc I'm only human (I started singing that song by Christina Perri so I'm guessing this is my cue to go to sleep))
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