Chapter Fifthteen: Ice-cream and chill?

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To say that Ten panicked was an understatement. His chest had went tight, his eyes were wide with fear, his limbs had turned to jelly.

Just play it cool Ten, play it cool. "What do you mean? You told me your name ages ago?"

Hani's eyebrows knitted together in deep thought and concentration. Did she tell him earlier? The whole thing was a blur to her.

She shrugged her shoulders before continuing to where? She didn't know.

Ten couldn't believe his luck...although he did think that that would have been the best opportunity to tell her that he and 'Teabag' were the same person.

He watched her brown hair swish around her shoulders and down her back and thought about how she would react.

"Hani, I-"

Ten stopped mid-sentence as Hani turned her head to look at him as he spoke.


Ten couldn't tell her, at least not like this.

"Lets go and get ice-cream."

Hani's entire being brightened at the thought of ice cream and she let go of Ten's hand to jump up and down and clap her hands excitedly.

Ten looked at her dotingly and let a smile take over his face. She was so cute.

"Can we really?! You're not kidding are you?! It better not be 'Ice-cream and chill' otherwise I'm leaving." Hani gripped held both of Ten's hands and had a smile on her face before giving him a suspicious look.

"No it won't be 'Ice-cream and chill.' There's an ice cream place just around the corner." Ten smiled at her and Hani tried not to squeal before she jumped up and down, still holding Ten's hands tightly.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go!"

And before Ten even had the chance to answer Hani was pulling them both along the road.

"You might want to let me do the pulling since you don't know where you're going." Ten suggested as he pulled Hani back.

Hani smiled sheepishly but had no time to be embarrassed as Ten ran off, still holding Hani's hand making her run behind him.

So much for an idol image.

Soon they both arrived at the ice-cream parlour, out of breath and sweating.

"This is such a cute look for me. I should definitely go for this more often." Hani deadpanned as she and Ten chose a table.

Ten passed a menu to Hani and smirked, "You still look cute so its fine."

"Shut Up, Teabag."

Hani's eyes went wide and she hid her face behind her menu. This is probably the reason why she didn't leave her house often.

Across the table, on the other side of Hani's menu Ten was having a mini heart attack. Shit, shit, shit, shit! He had been busted! What was he supposed to do?

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! It's just I have a friend that has the same name as you and I forgot so I called you his nickname. I can't believe I done that...I'm literally the definition of embarrassment."

Ten didn't know whether to feel relieved or sad; relieved as he wasn't caught and sad because he wants Hani to know yet he doesn't want to ruin their friendship.

To cover up his internal argument he laughed and shook his head, "Why the hell do you call your friend teabag?"

"To make a long story short, I wanted his attention one day and I started off with cute nicknames and then they gradually got worse as he continue to ignore me."

"Maybe he was busy?"

"Yeah but I needed attention." Hani pouted as Ten scoffed and then looked down at the menu. She was too cute for Ten to handle when she done stuff like that.

After ordering and talking for a bit Ten realised that he really did like Hani...maybe even more than a friend. No...definitely more than a friend.

He watched her eat her ice-cream, somehow managing to get some on her nose and smiled lightly.

"What're you smiling at?"

Ten shook his head, "Nothing. It's have ice-cream on your nose."

"Why am I like this?" Hani groaned before wiping the ice-cream away.

Ten laughed and Hani sighed, "It's still there isn't it?"

Ten nodded before picking up a tissue and cupping Hani's face. He wiped the ice-cream gently off her nose before looking at her lips.

God, they looked so kissable at the minute.

But he couldn't.

Ten cleared his threat before sitting back, continuing to eat his ice-cream.

Should he tell her?

I feel like I haven't updated this in so long😭
Idk why but I feel really emo today (might be to do with the fact that I'm hungry af)
I really appreciate the nice comments, the votes and the followers that I'm gaining from writing this. I'm really enjoying writing iMessage and I never thought I would even get 5 reads let alone 400+
Holy shit this is a long authors note😂
I love y'all❤️
Vote and comment, please🖖🏻

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