Chapter Seventeen: The Truth (pt 2)

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As Ten and Hani walked side by side it was silent, apart from the occasional car passing them and the faint sound of children laughing from the park near by.

Hani was on edge: it had been 15 minutes since Ten had told her that he needed to tell her something yet he still hadn't told her. Ten, however, didn't have a clue how to tell Hani. He was scared in case she never spoke to him again or never spoke in the same way as how she usually would. Because she was the only "normal" part of his life. Everything else had changed; where he lived, how he spoke, his accent, his aspirations, who he lived with, who he was friends with.

Hani couldn't take the silence anymore, "Ten, what did you want to tell me?"

"Erm..." Ten rubbed the back of his neck. Maybe she would surprise him and have a good reaction...

"Well, you see, Me and- I'm-You-"

"Ten, calm down. I'm sure it'll be okay, whatever it is." Hani took Ten's hand in her own and laced their fingers together.

"You knew me before you met me." Ten sighed.

It was silent for a while, Hani's brain trying to work out what Ten was talking about.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been texting me this entire time. I'm the one that found your number on a bench, that's how I knew your name before you told me. That's why I kept looking at you at the meet and greet. That's why I chased after you." Ten took a deep breath and waited for Hani's reaction.

He watched her face stop smiling that brighter-than-the-sun-smile and her eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"What?" Hani's voice was barely more than a whisper, not believing what she was hearing.

"Do you want to see the messages?" Ten asked, about to pull his phone out his pocket. Hani's eyes went wide, there was no way she wanted to see those messages. She would be so embarrassed!

But he would see them anyway, just not in front of you.

Before she could even stop him, Ten had gotten out his phone and pulled up Hani's messages.

"See?" Ten held up the phone so Hani could see. She felt sick with embarrassment. All she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and lock herself away so that no one could see her.

"Hani, can you please say something?"

Truthfully Hani didn't know what to say: she didn't even want to look at Ten. Not because she was mad at him or anything but because she just couldn't bare the embarrassment.

Ten thought differently:
Oh god I've messed everything up.
I knew I shouldn't have told her.
No I should've, but I should've told her sooner. This is such a mess.

"I believe you." Was all Hani could say yet she still couldn't face Ten. This made him panic and think that she hated him. Which wasn't the case at all.

"Is there anything you want to ask me?" Ten asked, his voice shaking slightly. He was so scared in case he never saw her again.

Hani shook her head slowly, continuing to look at the floor, willing it to open up so she could escape and die from embarrassment.

"Hani, this is why I didn't want to tell you. You're not going to act normal when you're talking to me anymore. And if I'm being completely honest you were the only thing in my life that was normal for me. Everything keeps changing but you don't."

"Me? Normal? Personally I find that a little offensive." Hani mustered up the courage to at least try and make a joke even though she still didn't look at Ten.

He done a cute little giggle which made Hani feel all jelly-like, her knees going weak.

Ten took Hani's hands in his which forced her to look up at him. She could feel that her cheeks were bright red from embarrassment but she couldn't exactly look down again.

"I'm really sorry, Hani. I wanted to tell you sooner but the company would've killed me. Please forgive me?"

"Unfortunately I don't think I could ever hate you, even though you are a huge pain in the ass."

"So I'm forgiven?" Ten questioned, hope lacing his voice as though he were a child asking their parents if they could buy sweets.

Hani nodded as Ten picked her up and bear hugged her, whilst spinning her around, making her feel nauseous and disorientated.

"You need to go before you get into even more trouble with your boss."

"Ugh, fine. I'll text you later?"

"Since when did we plan when we were going to talking to each other?" Hani jokingly stated as Ten walked backwards for a few minutes, smiling to Hani and himself, not believing his luck that she understood.

Hani waved until Ten was out of sight, sprinting back to the meet and greet.

He never texted her later that night.

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