Chapter Nineteen: What happened to Ten?

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What makes you think you have the
right to ignore me?

You can't just take me out for
ice cream, tell me that you and
'teabag' are the same person and
then never talk to me again!

It doesn't work like that!

Hani sighed and flopped back onto her bed. She was exhausted, both mentally and physically. The people at school were relentless with their questions and all she wanted to do was scream at them that she knew as much as they did.

And to make things worse she had still not spoken to Jeesun and it had been a week. Nevertheless she promised herself that she was better off without her, although she was highly doubting that as now people only wanted to be her friend because she knew a famous person.

Hani let out a groan of frustration, kicking her legs in the air as if she were still a little baby.

She scrolled up and down her and Ten's texts, constantly refreshing it but there was still nothing.

It had been more than two weeks...surely Hani deserved better?

There was a knock on the bedroom door making Hani's head spin around at the speed of light and her heart swell with hope that somehow it was Ten (even though he didn't have a clue where she lived, but Hani ignored that logical part of her brain), "Hani?"

It was her mom. Her heart deflated and she felt the urge to scream...or cry, she hadn't quite decided yet.

"What's wrong dear? You've been...odd lately." Her mom sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed Hani's shoulder soothingly.

"It's nothing."

"Are you sure? You know you can always talk to me and tell me anything. It's not good to keep it all to yourself."

Just as Hani opened her mouth to reply her phone went off causing her to grab it.

Hani I'm sorry about
what I said about Ten.
I'm sure he's a really nice guy
that means well

Hani sighed and rolled her eyes before locking the phone and dropping it back onto her stomach.

"Who was that?"

Hani felt upset, angry, rejected, unwanted all at the same time and it was all too much for her.

"Not the person I wanted."

And that's all Hani said before breaking down into tears that wouldn't stop.

"Oh's a boy isn't it?" Her mom pulled her up and into a hug, patting Hani's hair, trying to console her.

Hani could only nod.

"Did they reject you?"

"I-I don't kn-know."

Her mom continued to make shushing noises and brush her hair with her fingers, letting Hani cry as much as she wanted.

She listened when Hani told her about what had happened. She had scolded her a little for being stupid enough to put her name on a bench in a park. But most of all she gave her advice.

"If it's meant to be it'll happen. And if you were as close as you say you are then he can't just forget about. You're Kim Hani: my daughter, my best friend, the one I tell all my secrets to. Nobody can forget about you."

Hani sat up and smiled. Her mom always knew what to say to make her feel better.

Her mom continued to brush her hair with her fingers in a comfortable silence...Until Hani's phone buzzed again.

Hani's mom picked it up and looked at the screen, "It's a random number."

She handed Hani her phone before getting up and leaving the room, so that Hani could have privacy to answer whoever it was that was on the phone.


"Hani! We don't have much time!"

"Wait! Who is this?"

"It's Jaehyun and Taeyong. Sorry we probably should have started with that." Taeyong answered in a rushed tone.

"Oh hey. What's wrong? Did something happen to Ten?"

"You could say that." Jaehyun sighed.

"Yeah so Ten told us to call you and explain what had happened."

"Why couldn't he tell me himself? I mean all I've been doing is calling him and texting him."


"What do you mean really? He has a phone doesn't he?"

"He got it taken off of him." Taeyong began to explain.

"What?! By who?!"

"Our manager." Jaehyun said, his voice barely a whisper.



There was a long pause on the end of the phone, "Guys! We aren't in a drama!"

"Because you and him got caught. And he ran out of a fansign for you." Taeyong patiently explained

Hani closed her mouth and sat back a little in her bed.

"So it's my fault?"

"No! That's what Ten wants you to know."

"But it is. If I hadn't run out of the fansign none of this would've happened."

"No, Hani. Listen to us. It's really not your fault." Jaehyun stated.


"No buts," Taeyong interrupted, "Ten knew that you would blame yourself. Don't worry, Hani. You'll work this out."

Hani tried to hide a smile that was taking over her lips, "Oh...okay."

"Anyway he won't be able to talk to you again until you stop messaging him. So here's the plan that he's came up with."

My New Years resolution is to try and update more than once a month (let's see how that goes since I'm busy af this year)
I'm gonna try and do a double update tonight since I've been M.I.A
Vote and comment please❤️

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