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I didn't really want to take much with me. I'd be buying new clothes as soon as I hit the city to fit in anyways. Although anyone can tell that I don't fit in. Even just my accent makes me different. Still I hoped that no one minds too much, that I wont cop any slack. I know that my brother lives in just in the city and he's offered to take me in for the little while that I'm on Rumspringer. I'm deeply grateful for his hospitality in letting me stay there. Even though I'll miss my peaceful home I'm excited to learn how to drive and how to ride a bike. To do all the things that we just cannot do. 

I have a little bag that holds my few and precious belongings. I walked up to my mother and father who were crying. I could understand why. When my brother went on Rumspringer he decided not to come back and took his childhood sweetheart with him and she decided she didn't want marriage just yet but loved him. Now they both just live in the city. They think I'm going to do the same, they think I'll leave. I wont. I love my parents too much and I'll miss them. If I leave I'll be banished and never be able to come back. I don't want that.

I hug my mother tightly and smile. "It's only for a few months Mama, then I'll come back and we'll be a family. We can pick out suitable husbands for me and everything."

"Be safe Kristin," my mother wept.

I turned to my father who is generally a hard man who loves his children and he smiled at me. "Have fun Kristin but not too much fun. Be safe."

I nodded and slung the backpack over my shoulder. I couldn't wear any of my clothes once I was out of the community. I'd have to make do with whatever my brother and his girlfriend could give me until I got a job. I had packed the essentials and now I knew that down the end of the dirt road and onto the highway would be a dirty red pickup truck. The one my brother owns. He'd take me back to his apartment and then I'll find a job. I started to walk down the dirt road in my floor length dress and flat white shoes. People stared at me but I shook it off. I'm eighteen now.

It's time for me to make my own life.

  I walk towards the highway and sure enough see the red pickup truck. My brother leaning against it carelessly. He his fingers through his shaggy hair and I waved at him. I started to jog up to him and he looked up, a massive grin spreading across his face, and ran towards me, He picked me up hugging me and set me down since I was still in my long dress. His face wrinkled at my clothing choice and he opened the door of the pickup for me. I nodded gratefully and clambered in. He walked around to the driver's side and started the engine pulling away from my home. 

"Krissy I missed you," my brother started to say. "I'm sorry I left."

"It's okay. Papa said that the outside world is too great of a temptation." I looked out of the window with a little sigh. My brother reached over and squeazed my hand comfortingly. I watched as my Amish home went out of view and instead a city came. Tall buildings, cars everywhere, people wearing provocative clothing. I wanted to shield my eyes but I couldn't. This was my life now and the sooner I accept it the better I'll be. "I guess some people want to experience the temptation."

"And that's why you're here little Krissy isn't it?" 

"I...I guess so."

"So since you're eighteen and all I was thinking with your skills you wont be able to get a job," my brother said easily.

"But...that isn't fair!"

"Life isn't fair out here and your literacy isn't where it needs to be. So I'm sending you back to high school." My jaw dropped when he said that. I couldn't believe he was sending me to high school! I had only ever been going to the small church Amish school and then I even started teaching there when I was fourteen. It's been four years of teaching there and now I was going to go back to school? A school where I don't know anybody. "It'll be alright. I have a friend who's little sister is your age and she's excited to meet you."

"Does she go to my school?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Yeah she does. Try and give it a good shot okay?"

I looked at my brother, really looked at him for the first time in years. He had shaggy brown hair and green eyes. Tall and muscular but he had shaved off his Amish style beard. The clothes he wore were a little baggy but nice looking. A simple white shirt that buttoned up at the front and jeans. My brother had secretly sent me letters with photos in them telling me what certain things were so I wouldn't be shocked when I came out here. I laughed when he sent me one of his girlfriend and on the back he had written sexy. 

I nod. "Sure."

Once we were fully in the city he drove down an alley and used a key type thing to open up a big metal sliding door. He drove down inside and parked it before getting out. I hastily followed him and he lead me to a door that lead us to a stairwell. We climbed up all the stairs and went to the door on the very end of the corridor. He opened the door using a key and I walked inside. It was a whole house but little! With a lounge area and two bedrooms, a small kitchen area but I couldn't see a kitchen table. My brother simply stated that they ate on the couch. My brother's girlfriend, Anna, engulfed me into a massive hug. 

"Nice to see you too," I muttered.

For a while I resented her because I thought she made my brother leave him home. But after many letters my views on her changed. In fact I started to admire her. I took a good proper look at her before stepping away. She was really blonde, it wasn't natural since I remember her being brown haired. She had her natural blue eyes and she was still tall and thin. She was wearing tight jeans that clung to her legs, barefoot and a black shirt that was buttoned up. She now worked as a hairdresser and I admired that she works five days a week for eleven hour days. She fits my brother perfectly and I'm glad he didn't just shack up with a random stripper. 

They showed me to the spare room and I saw a single bed and desk in the room. I hung my clothes up and laughed to myself. This whole thing seemed kind of silly. I mean how do these things even happen? I couldn't imagine that once life used to be like it is back home and now we're still living like that and everyone else is evolving. I watched my own sister die because father refused to take her to the hospital. He said that modern medicine is an abomination. Yet she died. It makes me question everything that we stand for. It makes me question why on earth we are even here. 

I heard the front door click and then i knew that it had happened.

Rumspringer has started.

I'm alone.

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