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I got back to the apartment where my brother was lounging on the couch. He grinned at me and then set his attention back on the television. I decided to go to the spare room and unpack my stuff. I was kind of freaking out about tomorrow since I've never been to a school that has more than ten children in it. This school would be a high school with over a hundred children attending. That's what makes me scared. I couldn't run to Joseph for support since he would think I'm just being silly. So here I am alone being scared about some silly high school. I unpacked the shopping bags with a smile pulling out my maxi dresses and maxi skirts. I got a few things that were shorter but nothing above my knees. I was rebelling....yes...but that doesn't mean I have to go totally out there. I'm not going to dress like a whore. 

If men in the Amish community like girls for their personalities then I'm completely sure that guys on the outside will too. I definitely don't have to flaunt my body for anyone to pay attention to me. I looked out my bedroom window and shuddered in disgust at the girls who wore short skirts that barely covered their private bits. I promised myself I'd never turn out like that. 

"How was shopping?" Joseph asked me. I shrugged and continued putting my new clothes away. "Nothing much to tell?"

"Not really, just went shopping." I tried to evade his questions and sighed. I sat on my new bed and looked towards the roof falling onto my back. I looked up and Joseph was still there with his arms crossed. I threw my arms in the air, "What do you want?"

"Really? Nothing happened?"

"Yeah nothing happened," I said annoyed.

Joseph shrugged. "I just thought you are a beautiful girl and some guy would have talked to you."

"Nope..." I said dragging out the word. 

"So...are you hungry?" Joseph asked me smiling again. I shook my head and rolled over away from him.

He took the hint and left the room while I felt sleep pulling me under. I was a little hungry but apart from that I was more exhausted. Being in a shopping centre with unfamiliar people was overwhelming bot to mention being around Taylor. Her amazing features made her beautiful. I shook my head clearing my head of these thoughts. I couldn't think like that since I have to go home. I'm going to go home, marry a nice man and live out the rest of my life in peace. That is what I was born for. I'm Amish I'm supposed to just have a family and nothing else. Have a simple yet fulfilling life. 

However meeting Taylor has started to confuse a lot for me. And the more I think about her the more I get pulled into a dream state. I have school tomorrow and Taylor apparently is in all my classes. That means I get to have her all day everyday. Who wouldn't love that?

Dear Taylor

I cannot wait to meet you. I keep wondering if my language has improved or not. However I'm extremely eager to meet you and I hope that once I do we can be the best of friends. I'm hoping my brother isn't too over protective since I know what he was like when he lived here. I'm so excited to see him again even if I do feel bad for leaving my family. Have you ever left your family? If you have I'm sure you understand how painful it'll be. I really can't wait to meet you and see you face to face. I swear we will be very good friends since I am honest and loyal. Trust me you can say anything to me and I will not tell a soul. Taylor I have so much I wish to discuss with you when I'm there. I can't wait.


Dear Kristin

I really cannot wait to meet you either. My highlight of the week really is your letters since they always make my spirits rise. Your language definitely has improved to be less Amish and more modern. Not that there's anything wrong with Amish of course. I'm sure your brother will be fine, your brother wants you to experience everything you can before you head back home. Yes I left my family too and I understand how hard it is for people. I can't wait until you are finally here.

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