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I'm sorry if this chapter turned out short. I haven't updated this in forever and I've been writing it on my phone. Anyways enjoy :)

I awoke with a pounding headache and bright light coming through the curtains. I groaned and tried to roll over but I collided with someone next to me pushing them out of the bed. They fell to the floor with a thud and a groan. I opened my eyes and saw an unfamiliar bedroom before my eyes. How drunk was I last night? I was stripped down to my top and underwear lying wrapped in a sheet. The mirror in front of the bed showed me having a bad case of bed hair and smudged make up. Though most of it looks like it rubbed off. Also in the mirror was a half conscious Taylor sitting on the floor stunned.

I was in bed next to her?

Dressed like this?

Questions flooded my mind as I freaked out a little. It was improper for people to see me like this. Yet she did...did she like the way I look? I wanted to hit my face when I thought of that. I'm not supposed to think about things like that. It's disgusting and I should be ashamed of myself. Yet it felt so right to think about that and it brought back memories of Mary. Sweet, beautiful Mary who moved so far away. Her parents blamed me for so much but I did so little. She did everything to me, she cursed me, corrupted me and I guess she made me who I am. She was the girl my parents blamed and I was the person her parents blamed.

I looked back to Taylor who was still stunned and on the floor rubbing her face. She sleepily looked up at me and for the first time I realised what she was wearing. She was stripped down to her undergarnments and she blushed grabbing a towel from off of her desk chair and wrapping it around herself. I caught an eyeful of a lot and I blushed looking away quickly. I went to move to shut the curtains and as I did the sheet fell off from around me and my underwear was exposed to anyone in the room.

"How are you feeling?" Taylor asked me, eyeing me cautiously.

I clutched my head and groaned. "What happened?"

"What do you remember?"

"I um..." I said slowly trying to remember. "I remember getting there and you were were playing with a band. But I don't remember anything else."

"That's because someone slipped you some drugs," Taylor said slowly. She cast her eyes away from me nervously. "I came to the party with the band as a cover. I wanted to make sure you were going to be okay."

"You wanted to make sure I was okay?" I asked blushing.

She nodded and moved to sit on the bed. "I just told you, you were drugged."

"And you're in a band?"

"Do you even listen?" She asked me raising an eyebrow.

I let out a giggle. "If I listened to everything people said do you think I'd be sitting here right now?" She sat there stunned and I shook my head. "The answer is obviously no."

"I'm so confused," she said slowly.

"All you need to know is that I'm on the bed and you are on the floor," I said grinning at her. "Now come and keep me warm."

"Wh...what?" She asked stunned.

"I'm cold...and you were already cuddling me before hand."

"Yeah but...."

"But?" I asked prompting her.

"But we were asleep and I didn't know what I was doing. I mean...I...uh....I'm not really interested in you like that." She stuttered all over the place and it was adorably cute.

I sighed and nodded. "Okay if that's what you are choosing to believe that's fine with me," I said shrugging. "Anyways I better be going back to my brother's place. I'll catch you after yeah?"

She nodded awkwardly. I got out of bed and leaned down to kiss her cheek but missed and caught her jaw making her eyes roll back. I giggled and walked out of the room seeing her brother in the main room. He looked at me wide eyed and mouth gaping open before I waved to him.

"Thanks for letting me stay the night," I said smiling. "I need to go have a shower though."

"You can uh...use our shower if you'd like?" He said trying to look away.

"No thanks," I said grinning. "I think it's better if I go to my brothers place. Thanks again."

I waved and closed the door behind me skipping down the hall. I ran down the stairs and down the hall towards my brothers apartment. Even though I wasn't appropriately dressed to be seen in public it sent a whole new feeling through me. I don't understand why I'm acting like this. How did I gather all that courage to be so bold?

Instantly I felt nervous walking into my brothers apartment. I walked in nervously and saw him and his girlfriend cuddling in the couch. I walked past them and their jaws dropped. I pointed and them and glared.

"Don't say a single word," I said in a threatening tone. I ran to the bathroom locking it behind me. I turned on the shower making it ice cold. I heard that ice cold showers are supposed to knock sense into people. I stripped my under garments off and sat in the shower under the cold water. My hair down around my waist drenched, sticking to my back. I whispered to myself, "I'm so stupid."

Tears ran down my face, washing away with the ice cold water. If I stayed under it I would catch my death but I didn't care. I was so very stupid and if I wasn't careful I'd be carted back home or to a mental institution. I couldn't let that happen. I've worked too hard on my parents trusting me to be here. I just want a normal teenage life! I don't want to be seen as the girl from that awful community that don't have medicine. The one where they pray all day and girls don't work.

I heard someone knock on the door. I couldn't stop crying and wondered what is wrong with me. The door opened and someone walked in. I looked down tucking my head between my thighs. The water temperature changed from zero to warm in a matter of seconds. I looked up to see Anna smiling at me.

"You're going to catch your death like that," she said sweetly but predictably. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" I asked frowning.

"No," she admitted. "Did something happen?"

"I'm just so stupid Anna," I said crying again. "I worked so hard for my parents to trust me and then I almost ruin it. Why can't I be normal Anna?"

"You are normal," she said pulling me towards her. My wet hair was plastered around my face and even though she was getting wet she still kept me close. "Don't let anyone tell you different."

"Anna why did you leave?"

"I wanted to know if there could be more to life than getting married and having babies. Knowing that they could die without medicine and forced into religion. I had no say about my upbringing and I wanted my children to experience something different than I had." She looked towards me. "Why did you go on Rumspringer?"

"I wanted to know if I could be normal," I said hesitantly. "I wanted to know if I could ever love a man."

"And do you have an answer yet?" Anna asked me.

I nodded. "I can't ever go back there. But my brother will make me. I know he will."

"Why will he?"

"Because my parents will send the mafia after me if he doesn't," I said seriously. "They will kidnap me and break his legs. I've seen it happen Anna, I really have."

"So what has happened that has made you so sure about all of this?"

"I met a girl."

The Amish Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें