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It seemed like hours.

He had been back and then he had disappeared again. All the while not telling me much of anything. Luckily though he told me that he had found Taylor. She had written me a note and he had managed to slot it under the small crack between the window and the sill. I had read it over and over since he had left. He told me it's better I don't know anything in case the plan goes to hell. It seemed odd him being Amish and using words like that. Made me think maybe he wasn't truly Amish. Nor was his father. They just did the dirty work and looked the part so that no one questioned anything.

I stared down at the note that was crumpled from the amount of time I had read it. I opened it as carefully as I could just to glimpse at it again before someone noticed it. 


We're doing everything we can to get you out. I love you so much. We'll be together soon.

x Taylor

It was short and simple. Straight to the point and yet I couldn't help but feel bad. Where was she? Is she safe? Can we trust this guy?

All these questions flew to my head and I just didn't have any answers. How are you supposed to live like that? How are we supposed to function like this? I needed more. I needed the feel of skin against mine, her skin. I needed her lips brushed gently against mine like it's the last time we'll ever see each other. I needed something from her. I needed to love her and hold her like she's the only important thing in this world. 

There was a simple knock at the window again. I saw his face as he squinted and motioned for me to move away from the window. I raised an eyebrow and he showed me the sledgehammer he had in one hand. My eyes widened as I took cover under the bed. In the cover and shadow of the bed I heard the glass break and saw shards scatter across the floor. I heard commotion downstairs and took that as my cue. I crawled out from under the bed getting a few shards of glass in the palms of my hands. I moved away from the door, moving towards the window. His hand was outstretched and I grabbed onto it pulling myself out and into the tree. We climbed down unskillfully. 

Once we were down the bottom he broke out into a sprint. I knew I had to keep up with him so I did. We sprinted across the town towards the main road. Running past houses, not daring to look back to even see if they were behind us. We sprinted past the fields and down the long dirt road. I saw his Ute, the doors already open, we pushed ourselves harder hearing footsteps behind us. I climbed into the ute quickly closing the door behind me. He threw himself into the driver's seat and pressed his foot on the accelerator before he had even closed his door properly or put on his seatbelt. I quickly buckled my seatbelt, locking my door, feeling safe. 

Safer than I have in a little while.

Even though I was with this stranger, a stranger I barely knew, I knew he was taking me home. And home was Taylor. I thought of her sweet face. I could almost touch it now. I was so excited and scared all at once. I knew they would come after me, but I knew if I had her I would be fine.

Somewhere in the car ride I had dozed off. 

I woke abruptly though when the car stopped. My eyes opened and I scanned the surroundings. We seemed to be in an abandoned parking lot of an abandoned gas station. He was already out and walking around stretching his arms and limbs. I took note and climbed out as well. He shot me a glance but I was already walking through the doorway of the station. The door was wide open with the swinging plastic and I pushed past it. Inside there was a man in this late forties sitting at the counter watching the television with his feet up. 

"Give a holla if you need anything," he called out.

"Thanks," I called back. i didn't know exactly what I was looking for but I scanned the shelves just to be occupied. I wasn't sure what he was waiting for but he was waiting for something. So I busied myself trying not to think about him. I had one thing on my mind and that was Taylor. Getting back to her seemed like the only thing important enough to live for. 

I eventually walked out without getting anything, since I have no money anyways, and walking back toward the car. Another car pulled up next to ours and a familiar girl jumped out before the car had even stopped and ran back to my arms. I circled my arms around her waist pulling her to me as close as I could. Feeling the tears drop on my shoulder. She pulled back her head to look at me, tears running down her face, her cheeks slightly reddened. I wiped away the remaining tears with the pads of my thumbs. "Don't cry," I told her.

"I...I'm...I thought I'd never see you again," she murmured between sobs. Her chest heaved as she tried to stop another sob from coming out. She hid her face back in my hair whispering lightly. "I love you."

"I love you too," I told her. 

My brother got out of the car once it had stopped, limping towards me. I let Taylor go and walked over to him hugging him tight. "I thought I wouldn't see you again."

"I always find my way home," I said cheekily. We went back over to the guy who had rescued me and he gave my brother a very formal handshake. "Thank you if there's anything I can do to repay you." 

He shrugged, "No price on doing the right thing." 

I nodded. "Very true Mister," I said. "Still thanks."

"You folks are going to want to go a couple states over," he said scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "They can't do anything there since your in another territory that isn't theirs."

"Do you think they'll come after me?" i asked.

"Doubt it," he said. "Too much trouble to be honest. Still stay safe."

"We will," Taylor said. 

The sun was going down as Taylor laid her head on my shoulder and drifted off to sleep after murmuring a few delicate words. I tried my best not to drift off but I found it insanely hard. Instead I let the sleep wash over me and drag me into oblivion. Remembering her words as the darkness consumed me.

I'm glad I found you.

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