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I awoke in my bedroom a little tired from last night. I had so much fun and I felt like this was only the beginning. Taylor had taken me out to the perfect places and in the end I had drifted off to sleep in the car on the way back like a small child. She'd woken me up and I'd gone to bed kissing her cheek goodnight before closing the door behind me. Everyone in my house had been asleep when I'd gotten back so I wasn't subjected to questions. Luckily for me. 

I rolled over wanting to go back to sleep before there was a knock on my door. Someone entered without my permission and I groaned pulling the pillow over my head. There was the sound of a chuckle before someone threw themselves on my bed and half on me. I threw the pillow away frustrated before turning over and facing the one and only gorgeous Taylor. 

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty," she said in a high pitched voice. 

"Please...Kill me now," I said groaning and moving to cuddle her. 

She giggled before moving away. "No way hoyzay we have school." I groaned again before looking in my closet for a pair of jeans and a tee. I didn't care what I looked like for school. Taylor handed me a pair of converse to go with it and helped me brush my hair. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on deoderant. "Looking good," she said whistling. "Now let's go before we're late!"

Not even three minutes later I'd shoved a whole banana in my stomach, packed my school bag and put on my seatbelt ready to go. Taylor reversed out of the parking space before driving out of the garage and buckling her seatbelt as she drove. Again with her volgar language she flipped people off and muttered ugly things about their appearance. She was so cute when she was mad. 

"So what classes do we have today?" I asked her yawning. 

She rolled her eyes and replied, "Double Math, English and then history to finish off the day."

"Great," I groaned.

Since Taylor was speeding we made it to school just on time. We grabbed our bags and got out of the car quickly walking to the school. We walked close together and as her hand brushed mine I held it. That's right I worked up the courage to slip my hand into hers and my fingers fit perfectly between hers. A few people stared but no one really said much about it. Taylor seemed shocked that I was holding her hand and I smiled at her blushing a little bit. She shook her head as we leant on her friend's lockers waiting for them to get ready. They stared at our hands with a questioning look on their face but said nothing. 

We all walked off to class together just like that. 


It wasn't until lunch when Taylor paid for my food that other's started getting suspicious of us. I laughed at her making a joke but the eyes were all over us and it was making me a little nervous. When we sat down at the lunch table her friends joined us and we all got into a deep conversation about new band names. Taylor excused herself to go to the bathroom and I was left alone with them. It wasn't the first time I've been alone with them but it made me uncomfortable them knowing they had so many questions.

"So you and ... Taylor huh?" Mike asked me grinning. 

"Uhh," I said looking down at my food. "Sort of."

"Have you two...done anything yet?" Vee asking winking. "Come on spill the details!"

"We went out on a date last night," I said shyly. I could feel a blush coming on. "And it was great."

"Yes!" Mike hooted. "Pay up bitch," he said sticking his hand out in front of Toni. He reluctantly slapped a twenty in his hand and slumped in his chair. 

"Couldn't have just gone straight out?" Toni said fixing his pony tail. 

I giggled at them before Vee rolled her eyes. "That's great babe!" She said leaning across the table to hug me. "It's been a while since Taylor has been out with the ladies so you know...don't break her heart."

"I've never been "out with the ladies" Vee," I said using quotation marks with my fingers. "Besides I don't want to leave her."

"Well I'm glad," all three said at the same time. We all cracked up laughing and when Taylor sat back down she raised an eyebrow at us.

"What'd I miss?" She asked.

"Oh nothing honey," Mike said wiggling his eyebrows. "Just getting aquainted with your new soon to be girlfriend here."

Taylor's face blushed bright red and now it was my turn to giggle at her and call her blushing cheeks cute. The other's at the table couldn't contain themselves and just started giggling away. Needless to say it was a cupcake of a lunch. 


It wasn't until we were in the car on the way home after a long day at school that asked me questions about lunch. During school the others had pushed us closer and taken photos. We kept holding hands because we liked it. It made us feel closer and of course we blushed down the corridors. Teachers looked at us curiously but obviously decided it was nothing to be bothered about. 

I leant my head against the cars passenger seat window and smiled at the passing buildings and scenery. Taylor had her window rolled down, one hand on the steering wheel and the other she had tapping the roof of the car from the outside. With her elbow resting on the window place. I smiled because everything just seemed so easy between us now.

No tension.

"So what was that about at Lunch?" Taylor finally asked raising an eyebrow at me. 

I sighed. "They...caught me out. And I told them we went on a date. Then they all congradulated us and Mike hooted and that's pretty much all you missed." 

"All that in the space of five minutes?" 

I nodded. "Yeah they work pretty quickly."

"Well at least we don't have to hide anything from our friends," Taylor said grinning.

I looked at her shocked. "Our friends?" I asked curiously. 

"Yeah..." she said. She sighed. "They do like you Krissy."

"Oh..." I said thoughfully. "Well I like them too."

"Good," Taylor said grinning. She pulled into the carpark and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Lets go do homework!" She said enthusiastically even though I knew she was anything but that. 

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