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I got through the front door and took a deep breath trying not to panic. Kristin was downstairs in her brother's apartment and I was making my way to my bedroom. My brother raised an eyebrow at me before going back to whatever video game he was playing. I dumped my bag next to my desk in my room and flopped onto my bed. I somehow managed to do a very very bad thing today. I have no idea how the hell it even happened I just accidently set Kristin up on a date. She seems excited to go on it but that's not the point, the point is she's been at the school for one day and now she's going out with a football player.

There was a little part of me telling me that I'm being ridiculous and this is what normal girls do. Normal girls go out on dates and fall in love. They fall in love with a very good football player and before you know it they've been together all through university and then they get married. But there was another part of me telling me to go get her. That I should claim her as mine since I do know her a little better than everyone else.

Then again that could come off as possessive and even though I want her I don't want to risk losing her either. She has this...glow that makes everyone look at her. When she walks down the halls of school I saw people actually stop and watch her. People are mesmerised by her and she doesn't even wear make up. Then there's her personality that makes her a hundred times more valuable. She's just a great person but I know that in the end she will leave and go back home. People always do.

But why can't I enjoy this...just for now? It doesn't have to mean anything for her it would be for me. I sighed as I though about all the crazy ideas I had in my head. It made me smile a little inside. Running and and being together. Gosh I sound like a weirdo. I just hoped that i could get through something to her before she leaves. Maybe I'll have the balls to tell her the day she leaves hoping she'll change her mind. These were all pipe dreams though. None of them would actually happen because from what she used to write me it sounds like she has a guy waiting at home for her. Why would she give that up for a modern girl?

I heard a knock on my bedroom door and looked up to see my brother leaning against the door frame casually. His hands stuffed in his pockets and he lips pursed together. He was looking for something to say but he didn't know what. "What do you want?" I asked him annoyed.

"Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay to you?"

"No," he said thoughtfully. "Want to tell me what's up?"

"It's...a girl," I said breathing out a sigh of relief. It felt so good just to say those three words. "A girl at school."

"You like someone?" He asked in disbelief. "Like genuinely like someone?"

"Yes," I said throwing a pillow at him. "Shut up!"

He jumped on my bed resting his head on his hands and looked up at me with a grin. "Spill everything."

I sighed knowing I wasn't going to get away from this. "She's amazing and beautiful. People literally stop in the hallways at school to look at her. She's not exactly normal but she's not completely crazy. My face lights up when she walks past or waves at me. She does this cute little shy wave that makes her blush like crazy. Her eyes are those sort of eyes you could just get lost in forever, they're so beautiful. She is so beautiful."

"Sounds like you got it bad," my brother said elbowing me. 

I groaned and hid my head in the matress. "I know." 

"When do I get to meet her?"


"Don't be like that," he said rolling his eyes. "I swear you are such a drama queen."

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