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It's been a month since the party. I've played a couple gigs with the band but Kristin was reluctant to come with. She's been so quiet and to herself of late. I wondered if it was through any fault of mine. Was it anything I've done or is she just being reclusive? I bit my lip and laid on my back on my bed trying to figure out this mystery of a girl. She's so quiet and yet so outgoing. There's just something about her that i cannot explain into proper words. 

My brother stood at my bedroom door leaning against the frame with a smile on his face and a Bundaberg Guava drink in his hand. He threw it at me and using my fast reflexes I caught it. I wasn't good at sports or much that requires you to be athletic but nonetheless if someone tries to punch me I can dodge out of the way before they make contanct. Something I'm born with or maybe something I'm cursed with. Either way I didn't care right at this moment. Instead there was someone else on my mind. 

My brother folded his arms as I opened the drink and took a mouthful savouring the taste of the bubbly goodness. It wasn't alcohol despite the brand name...think of it kind of like when you drink agrum. Except it tastes way nicer. I looked up at my brother and saw that he was still standing there looking at me with curiosity.

"What do you want?" I groaned. 

"So...what are your plans tonight?" He asked raising an eyebrow. 

"Homework I guess," I said with a shrug. "I don't know."

"I was thinking....maybe we should go...out...somewhere?"  I looked up at him again with a surprised look on my face. Did my brother want to take me out somewhere? My eyes widened and I got off of my bed and put the back of my hand to his forehead. "What...are you doing?" He asked me.

"Stay right there," I said running to the bathroom. I shouted back, "I have to get the thermometor!" 

"Why?" I heard his voice echo to me.

"Why? You asked if you could take me someplace!" I stood behind him with the thermometor. He looked at me as if I was joking. "Open your mouth."

"You can't be serious."

I put my hands on my hips. "You don't take me out places. You stay at home and watch tv. Which is totally cool because you know who wants their little sister tagging along?"

"I'm asking you because I want to know how you are. How you're coping with everything. Moving away from...." He was stuck for a word since he couldn't use home. This was my home. The place with my biological donors was not. That's all they are to me now. They don't love me, they think I'm an abomination. I'm okay with that, I came to terms with it after a short while of being here. "There..." he finally ended the sentance.

"I'm fine," I said dismissing him. "Seriously I am."

"I'll pay for three pizzas, as much softdrink as you want and fifty dollars worth of arcade games." 

I turned around and raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh really?" I asked grinning.

"Oh...yeah," he replied. 

"Okay you're on when do we leave?" 

"Like...thirty minutes?" He sugested. 

I shrugged and nodded before heading off to my own room to get ready. i haven't been out with my brother in a long time. We haven't really had much money to be able too...which freaked me out a little. We still don't have enough money. I shrugged and put it off as some bonding excercise or something. Opening my closet to grab my bootleg jeans and boots. My lovely black leather jacket and a tee that said "try me." It was going to be a good night.

Within the half an hour we were all ready to go. We got into my brother's car and he drove us to the place we used to go as kids together. It's got pizza, soft drink and arcade games. We used to spend hours there as kids...but so much has changed since then. My mind was on Krissy and my head just spun with thoughts of her. Spiraling through my mind. I had to shake my head a few times to get that picture of her almost naked out of my head. 

When we got there we sat down and ordered 3 large pizzas. Meat-o-rama which had tiny bits of meatball, bacon, salami, chorizo, pineapple and cheese. Cheese Load pizza which is a crust stuffed with cheese, tomato paste over the bottom and more cheese and of course the lucky last pizza.

The Fire Breather.

My brother and I first discovered this pizza when it first came out and they literally hired a fire breather and those people who have the flaming baton stick thingies to perform around the people who were trying the pizza. Us being the smart asses we used to be ordered the pizza without any drinks or sides. We were called the Doom Pair of the night. We were choking on how hot it was and immediately ordered two litres of milk after devouring half the pizza in under a minute. 

We sat at the table awkwardly waiting for the food to come. I guess we aren't very good conversationalists when we're together. 

"Hows school going?" he asked me. 

I shrugged. "Schools school. You know how it is."

He nodded and looked at me curiously. "And how is Kristin going?"

I stiffened at the mention of her. "Fine."

"You've fallen for her haven't you? He asked curiously.

I nodded.

"I tried my best not too." I sighed in defeat. "There's just something about her. I mean you've seen her. I can't explain it and I'll doubt I'll ever be able too. It's like everything in life captivates her attention. There's some things that she looks at and it makes her face light up. When she discovered ice cream shops or shopping malls. It's like it's all precious to her. Every single moment in life is worth appreciating to her and I've never met anyone like that before."

"And what if she leaves? What if she decides that this life isn't for her and she goes home?" My brother asked concerned. 

"Then I'll have known that everything I did and said was the right thing. That I hope she'll never forget me and that she'll carry me in her heart somewhere forever."

"That's a lot to ask of an eighteen year old girl."

"Sometimes..." I paused and took a deep breath. "Sometimes you just need to spread your wings because you'll never fly if you don't fall."

My brother nodded. "I just don't want to see you getting hurt again."

"I'll be fine," I said smiling. "Mm look our pizza is ready!" I said eyeing it off. "Lets eat pizza now and worry later."

The Amish GirlWhere stories live. Discover now