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I've been locked in my old room for days now. I've been trying to come up with some sort of plan but every time i tried I failed. My brothers and sisters weren't talking to me and my younger sister, April, who I used to share a room with wasn't sharing with me anymore. My father was a large, strong man and there was no way I could get past him. 

I had no visitors, no family talking to me and nothing to do except sew. I did think about using the needle to stab someone and make my escape. But it was a tiny thin thing. I didn't expect it to make quite a lot of damage unless I got it in the jugular vein. I didn't want to kill anyone...I just want to stay away from this place. I can't stay here. Eventually they'll "clense" me of my evil doings and try to marry me off to anyone who would have me. They would have to be very desperate to marry me because of the reputation I now have. I'm a sinner, a wrong doer. But I have one thing on my mind, getting back to my brother and Taylor. 

The past few days I've really been doing nothing. I try to act all cool but I'm losing it. I'm losing the cool I have tried so hard to maintain. My mother has come in and wept pleading for me to repent for my sins. My father has come in angry and yelling. I touched my cheek gingerly, remembering how quick my head snapped to the side from his slap. I still refused. Scared and a little cold I refuse to repent for something that feels so natural. But at the same time I'm also scared of what will happen if I don't repent. Will they try to kill me?

Taylor would get the police. She wasn't silly and she would have found out I'm missing by now. I could imagine her walking to my brother's apartment and knocking on the door. No one answering or if someone answered they'd be pacing the room wondering what they were going to do. Taylor's face scrunched up in confusion and slowly turning to worry. I shook my head, clearing my mind, I can't afford to think like this. Taylor is strong, she would have gone to the police and they'll fix it. The Amish, even though secluded from the rest of the world and not having to follow some modern laws, can't get away with bashings and kidnapping. 

I believed in my family to get me out of this. 

But i also knew that help from the outside world was not only limited but extremely difficult to rely on. With no ideas on what they're doing or saying. I can't exactly make an escape plan with no where to go. I can't even drive a car. I could use a horse and buggy but they're slow. My best bet would probably be if I knew someone who could communicate with a source. Escape, steal a horse then switch from horse to car. Switching to many cars along the way to lose them. Make it back to the city and stay in hiding. 

I got up from the bed and leant my elbows against the window sill staring out into the dark night. I missed Taylor. I missed making her blush and the way we held hands together. It was all very cute and real. What I felt for her was like nothing i have ever felt for anybody. It scared me...but as much as it scared me it made me feel alive. Like this is what it's supposed to feel like. Us being together is what makes life worth living. Us being together is what makes me feel like it's the only thing I need. She's the only person I need. And I'll do anything to get back to her. To be held in her arms and to fall asleep next to her again. 

I remember the first time we slept next to each other. I had made her blush insanely when we woke. This feeling...the feelings that I had for her...they aren't going to go away. Nothing they do to me here will ever make me not feel that way for her. I can never stop loving her. Because in the short time that I have known Taylor. In the very few days we have officially been in a relationship I have fell for her more and more. I can now say that I undeniably love her. I'm not sure exactly when it happened.

But it did. 

I am in love with Taylor.

A rock flown at my window woke me up from my daydreaming. I looked down and saw a familiar boy with his hands in his pants pockets. He waved at me abruptly before he motioned me to open the window. I opened it the tiny crack that it would allow me and watched as he scaled up the climbing hedge that was on the side of the house. He sat right next to the window and looked down. His face going from brave to fearful before turning back to me. He was the boy that was with the man...the man that kidnapped me.

Why was he here?

"Afraid of heights boy?" I asked raising an eyebrow. 

"I..." He started to say before he paused. I think he paused because he had to think about what to say. I'm sorry for kidnapping you? Yeah that wouldn't really be a great thing to say. "I'm sorry for what has happened." Well it wasn't quite sorry for ruining your week. 

"You helped kidnap me, I really doubt that it's appropriate for you to turn around now and say that you are sorry." There were a bit more venom in my words than I had intended.

"I know you couldn't possibly understand why I did it."

"There's a legitimate reason?"

"My father is part of the Amish mob...Like you saw. He took the job because your family owes him debts. The oldest son was supposed to be married to his daughter so that he would have someone to train and his daughter would be married. He bribed blackmailed me after your brother left for the city to join."

"What did he hold someone at gunpoint?" I asked scoffing.

He nodded. "Yes, my girlfriend of three years was held and a gun pointed at her head. He played russian roulette with her life. One bullet...four chances she would she wouldn't."

"What happened?"

"He pulled the trigger three times. She survived and I didn't want to see if she would if he kept shooting. I can't live without her."

"Is this supposed to be some sort of reason? Some sort of apology?" I asked growing angry. "What you did was still inexcusable. My's in danger here." 

"I know...I went back to your apartment and no one is there. I don't know anyone who can help me get you out of here. Please? I need a adress of someone. My plan is to break you out and drive you as far as I can get on one tank of fuel. Then you'll meet up with this person and swap to a brand new car under someone elses name. They are going to drive and drive and drive. You will never return here or to that city you lived in."

"Are you crazy?" I asked him in disbelief. 

"Yes," he said. "But what is more crazy is you not getting out of here. I know my father. As long as you are still in this state he can still hurt you. But once you are out he can't do anything. It's another Amish clan's turf."

"You don't speak like the Amish."

"Neither do you."


"My father inpregnanted a normal girl. A non amish girl. I'm his bastard son. That's why he wanted your brother instead of me."

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