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(The night of the abduction)

I left Kristin at her door and skipped up the stairs to my place. My brother saw my grinning face and smiled along with me. He didn't even ask me why I was happy because he probably already knew. Heck everyone knew that I was so in love with Kristin. So was this ball of happiness that made my life so much better and I couldn't wait to spend more time with her. I flung myself on the couch and grinned up at my brother staring into his eyes. 

"I'm so happy," I squealed out in delight.

"I'm glad," he said smiling. "Does her brother know much of this?"

I shook my head. "I'm not really sure to be honest. I hope that if or when he does or did find out that he was supportive. She's finding it hard to adjust here."

"Well...everything is very different to what she is used too."

I stared up at him and nodded. "I suppose it is. I guess I've been a little ignorant of that fact. Sometimes its just easy to forget where she came from." 

He nodded and sat on the edge of the couch cushion. He started to say something but we heard the sirens blaring and both of us rushed to the window. We'd been like this since children. We loved emergency vehicles and loved seeing where they ended up. However as they pulled up out the front of the apartment complex my brother and I looked at each other worriedly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a grey commedore drive out of the underground parking. My brother and I exchanged glances at the medics ran upstairs. 

We heard commotion on the floor below and ran down the stairs to see what had happened. There lying on the floor with blood coming out of the side of his forehead was Kristin's brother. His girlfriend Anna sat curled in the corner with a black eye sobbing. The paramedics put him on a stretcher as my brother glanced at me. I nodded knowing he wanted to go with his friend. I would take care of Anna. A lone paramedic stayed behind to check Anna but after his evaluations he declared she would have no major effects. Only some bruising from where she had been punched. 

I went to the freezer to grab the ice pack and wrapped it in a tea towel pressing it against her face. She couldn't stop crying about how she wished she had never left. How they came for her. I had to try and calm her down before she had an anxiety attack but I wasn't sure what I could do. I just held her and told her everything would be okay. I was so caught up in making sure Anna was okay that I forgot to ask.

"Anna....where's Kristin?" I asked dreading the answer.

Anna looked up at me, her eyes red raw from crying and her bottom lip trembling. "They came...they took her."

"Who took her?" I asked nervously. 

"Her parents...they hired them to get her back," she said breaking out into sobs again. "I can't believe they took her again."

"Again?" I asked.

"She didn't tell you?" She asked between sniffles. I shook my head and she smiled sadly. "She's tried to runaway before. She rang us when she hitchiked to a gas station. We couldn't get there in time though. It was already too late, they had brought her back."

"I thought the Amish were supposed to be peaceful people."

Anna shook her head once again. "They were....back a long time ago. They're scary now. They caught Kristin kissing a girl once and locked her in the church basement for three days without any food or water."

"That's insanity!"

"Why do you think she wanted to get out so badly Taylor?" She looked up at me once more before having a sobbing fit. "You two were so perfect. I'm so sorry you had to go through this."

"I'm going to get her back,"  I said defiantly. "I don't know how but I am. She isn't going to stay there with those people."

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