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We sat on Kristins bed trying to do homework. I ended up getting frustrated and throwing the books on the floor. Kristin gave me a look as if to say "really Taylor?" I groaned and faceplanted into her covers of her bed. She came and sat on the side of the bed petting my head. I glared at her playfully and she just smiled at me. How can she be so infuriating? How can she be so perfect? 

"Come on you need to do your homework!" She said jumping on me. "Taylor!"

"I don't want too," I said sighing. 

She rolled her eyes at my childish response."Come on you have too babe."

I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "Did you just call me babe?"

"Well...yeah," she said giggling. "I kind of figured that we were you know....going out?" 

"You did?" I asked shocked. I looked into her eyes as she bit her lip and nodded at me. I tried not to blush but failed miserably. I recovered pretty quickly and came up with a smart response. "You didn't ask me," I said grinning. "I might not want to be your girlfriend." She sighed pulling me up so we were both standing. She held both of my hands in hers and grinned before getting down on one knee. "What are you doing?" I asked giggling.

"Shut up," she retorted. "Taylor....in the short time I've known you I've grown quite fond of you."

"This sounds like a marriage proposal."

"And I'd like to let you know that I would like to spend more time together."

"This really does," I said trying to contain my giggles.

She glared at me. "So...Taylor...will you be my girlfriend?"

I stood there and bit my lip before turning around. "I dunno I'll have to think about it," I said laughing. 

"Come on I got down on a knee!" She said swatting me. 

"Which was priceless," I said with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes and sat at the desk continuing her homework. "What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Homework...which I'm not helping you with," she said grinning at me. This was one big game between us and I was loving it. The way she came up with these things boggled me and she looked so innocent yet she definitely wasn't. I grinned at her. "No...no no no," she said pushing me away. "Don't even think about it."

"What if I bought you ice cream?" I asked. 

"No," she said shaking her head. "I might let you reconsider your thinking about my relationship proposal if you buy me ice cream."

"That's not fair," I scoffed.

She poked her tongue out at me, "Life isn't fair." 


Half an hour later we got ice cream. 

Not even kidding, I tried to say that I wanted to be her girlfriend but she told me I had to buy her ice cream first. I groaned and rolled my eyes at her. She picked a triple scoop with three different flavours. I never knew she was so crazy about ice cream. Her reaction when she first got it was like a child at christmas. Priceless. I took a photo of that face and shook my head before ordering my bubble gum flavoured cup. We sat down and laughed about the fact her ice cream was melting and there was nothing she could do. I found it hilarious and she found it frustrating. Eventually she started to laugh along with me though and I grinned at her. 

We had school again tomorrow and this time we were official. 

I shouldn't have been nervous about this fact but I still had butterflies in the bottom of my stomach. I guess I've been able to avoid the fact about my sexuality due to not having any relationships at this school. We have to keep this from our families and to be honest I don't really want too. I know everyone thinks that Kristin is going back to her old community but I really think that she doesn't want too. She wants to stay here and finish school and get a job. I can see that she enjoys being out here and wearing what she wants. 

"Hey are you okay?" Kristin asked putting her hand over mine. 

I nodded stiffly. "Yeah of course," I said forcing a smile. "Just uh....something is stuck on my mind."

"You want to talk about it?" She asked. 

I nodded. "Yeah actually I sort of do," I said smiling. But that time it was real. "Some people are worried that you're going to leave and go back to your Amish community." 

"Your friends?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No....actually my brother mentioned that you probably weren't going to stay."

She nodded thoughfully before looking at me. "I want to let you know that the only way I would leave is by force. I never want to go back there."

"Are you sure?" I asked her. 

"More than sure," she said smiling. "Meeting you and your friends and experiencing everything has been the most amazing experience ever. Going back there would be like dying."

"Don't do that," I said laughing. 

"Of course not," she said scoffing. "Your such a weird person sometimes."

I grinned at her. "You love it."

"I so do not."

I put a hand over my heart, "You broke me in two."

We both sat there laughing and eventually left the ice cream parlour walking home. She slipped her hand into mine as we walked down the path. I heard a few negative comments about it but I ignored it best I could. A little girl stopped us and smiled. 

"What are you two doing?" She asked tipping her head to the side.

"Holding hands," Kristin said smiling.


"Because she is my girlfriend," she answered.

"My older brother has a girlfriend," the little girl said jumping up and down excitedly. "They are in love! Are you two in love?"

"One day," I told her.

"Cool," she said grinning. "You should meet my babysitter! She is really nice. She's sitting at the park waiting for me." She grabbed both of our hands and pulled us towards the playground where we saw Vee sitting cross legged on the grass waving at us like maniacs. "This is Veedee!" The little girl squealed running to her. 

"Veedee?" I asked mocking her.

"Shhh...let the little rascal call me whatever if it keeps her quiet," she said rolling her eyes. 

"What are you doing babysitting?" Kristin asked. 

Vee shrugged. "This is my cousin's kid she's out of town so I offered to take her."

"That's so sweet," I said ruffling her hair. 

"Yeah don't tell the others or I will kill you," she said in a happy sing song voice.

"Veedee that's not nice to say," the little girl said hitting her shoulder. "These two are going to be in love like David and Emma are one day!"

Vee groaned. "She hasn't stopped asking me when I'm going to be in love."

I crouched down to her second cousin's level. "Vee wont ever be in love." I said grinning. "She scares girls and boys away."

"Okay I've had enough," Vee said flicking me. "Get out of here love birds! Go get some privacy!"

We laughed waving to them both and looking at each other for a split second. "Did you really mean it?" Kristin asked.

"Mean what?" 

"What one day we were going to be in love?"

I nodded. "Yeah," I said shrugging. "If we stay together I will end up falling hopelessly in love with you."

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