Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Author P.O.V*

"I can't get a read on your life as a whole. All I know is that you'll become terribly skinny and you'll be very sad for a short period of time. Most of the time I saw you smiling though if that accounts for anything." Xena states and everyone gave five different emotions in one second.

"Did you see if I became pregnant?" Harry questions with a lot of hope in his green eyes.

"I didn't. This usually nevers happens to me. Maybe I'll be able to tell when I read Niall." Xena explains, grabbing Niall's hand as Harry frowned.

Harry quietly played with his fingers trying to figure out why the reading is acting so strange with him. He really hope that he is able to get pregnant or end up having kids in the future. It may be the reason why he is crying in the future or turning skinny. That made prefect sense inside his head. He really didn't care about his general happiness that is in his future. He only focused on the small amount negativity. A frown made it's way up onto Niall's face since he could feel his mate's emotions and hear his thoughts. He used his free hand to let it land on Harry's thigh and rub it soothingly. His gesture didn't seem to be helping Harry take his mind off of it. He was going to send Harry a mind link but Xena had caught his attention as the same thing happened when she found out his omega's results. Niall braced himself for whatever is about to leave her mouth.

"I can't see anything from your future. Everything is blurry but that's normal because I can never get a read on vampires. I know you're not fully a vampire but you have its DNA so I can't tell you anything." Xena states and Harry felt even more bummed out.

He got up from the couch quietly and quickly then left for the bedroom. His shoulders were slouched as his sock covered feet dragged across the floor. He just needed time alone right now. His inner wolf made little whimpers come from his mouth just when he entered the bedroom. He placed his bum on the bed and closed his eyes to stop himself from crying. There were only two things that pained an omega. One is not being able to bear a child and the other one is losing a mate. Those two are what drove many omegas to suicide because they felt that they failed at their purpose in life. He placed his head in his hands and tried to block out the noise that is going on around him. It wasn't a good idea for anyone to be left only definitely when they having so much negative thoughts. Harry isn't left alone for long as his alpha came into the bedroom and went over to the omega.

"Though I'm terrified, I promise we will have our pups. I don't wanna see you sad." Niall says, nudging his head against the tall omega.

"And if we don't?" Harry questions finally looking at his mate with his eyes holding a little bit of a glare.

"Don't let ifs fill your head. That's how you let yourself lose sight of what's important." Niall states voice strong as a bolder.

The omega let his alpha's words sink into his ears and travel to his mind. He wrapped his arms around Niall's shoulders before straddling his lap making him look like a big koala. It didn't bother Niall though. He would happily be his omega's branch. Strong pale arms wrapped around a thick clothed waist. The omega gave his alpha access to his neck so he could kiss it lightly and rub his nose against it. His scent embracing that area of his mate's neck. The two laid back on the bed and Niall kissed his way up to his omega's mouth. He is still terrified of being really affectionate with Harry because he is still afraid of being rejected. When he is affectionate, it is all his inner wolf that's doing the job. He wishes he is able to be that bold. It really made him wonder if he is truly meant to be a alpha. Alphas don't ever question their thoughts or actions and they don't let people try to run over them. However, here Niall is doing the exact opposite of both those things. It didn't help that Harry heard every thought.

"You were meant to be one." Harry whispers against plump lips while looking deep into electric blue eyes.

Soft padded thumbs rubs against the alpha's temples and somewhat rough hands combs through nice chestnut hair. Two birds sits down in their big nest and clean each other while chatting near Harry's closed window. Four white, large eggs sat next to them ready to hatch at any moment. The couple stayed in bed for a while just kissing and holding each other until it was time that they both had to go to work. Harry really didn't feel like going after what happened so far into his day. He didn't realize on his way to the music shop that his hand rested on his stomach. People he passed thinking that he is pregnant and smiling at him. He walks into the store after a while and goes to clock in. He stands behind the counter and starts to order new albums and old ones. His finger clicking away while he stares blankly at the dim screen in front of him.

"Harry?" A voice asks and green eyes locks onto a bright pair of teeth and Harry's cheeks turn red.

"Oh my god hi Alex. I'm so sorry about what happen last mouth. I'm also so sorry that it took me this long to say it." The omega states frantically, which made the beta chuckle and shake his head.

"No need to apologize. Your mother explained everything to me that night. She also informed me from that point on that you found your mate and is living happily so congrats." Alex spoke with that dashing smile of his.

"I'm going to kill her." Harry mumbles to himself trying not to turn even more red."Would you maybe like to catch up later when I'm on my lunch break?"

"Of course. When should I come back up here?" Alex asks before taking out his phone to set a reminder for himself.

"Two thirty." Harry says with a smile and the beta nods then heads out of the shop with a wave.

"Whose the sexy piece of chocolate?" Candice asks while coming up to Harry with Malaysia, another worker and a friend of Harry, following too.

"Just a friend that I met a month ago." Harry answers with a shrug then got back to clicking on the mouse.

"Oh so that's Alex. I was going to ask you to put in a good word for me but I forgot that your mom told me he was gay." Malaysia states and Harry nearly chokes on his spit.

"Yup. I'm definitely going to kill her." Harry says, rubbing his temples for a minute then got back to work.



You guys my birthday is around the corner so I might update a few stories on that day. It won't be a lot of stories because I write slow af and don't have the best attention span so bear with me on it guys. Thought? Predictions?

Bye my Piggyback.🎇🎆🎉

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