To my lovely readers

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Hi everyone!

I wanted to say a few things to you....

I know I've been gone for a really long time, and I'm really sorry for that. I started this project in my summer break, and at that moment I had lots and lots of time to write and upload. I uploaded every week and it felt really good. 

Unfortunately school started somewhere around chapter eight and so did the stress. I didn't feel well, the begin of this year was very hard for me and besides school and sports I slept. I didn't have time for any hobbies. All I could do is sleep. I felt terrible for letting that happen but the more I let it, the harder it was to let that process go. My health went down and down and more down. 

Last week I had all these test for school. After that, I didn't have to do any homework for a few days and I felt relaxed. I slept a few days non-stop, and after that I felt a little more happy again. I felt like writing again. That's when I wrote chapter eleven for you. 

The normal school ritm started again, so I don't really know how I'll be feeling the upcoming weeks. I really hope to be able to keep writing, but I can't promise anything. The only thing I cán promise is the following: I won't ever stop writing this book, until it's finished. I don't care how long it will take, but I will finish it!

Thanks to everyone supporting me in this, especially my friends at home, who know what's going on in my life, and help me with everything they can. I love you all so much!

Lots of love from Girlsimmx

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