Chapter 16: Trouble

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Peter's P.O.V.

I slouched on my couch in the basement as I watched some show on TV. Anything to get my mind off of y/n. It's been months since she has left. I haven't gone to visit her once. That was the hardest thing I've ever convinced myself to do. My eyes wandered from the TV to my Pong arcade game. Well my newly stolen Pong arcade game. My other one I accidentally broke. Right after I said goodbye to y/n, I started playing it to get my mind off of her. Then my emotions got the best of me when I started banging on all the controls. When the machine started smoking I just burst into tears. Then I came up with the stupid idea of stealing the one from the arcade. I promised myself I wouldn't steal anything that big anymore. But I was just so upset and I couldn't help myself. My hands buried themselves into my face. Keep it together you have to stay strong for y/n. She needs her time and she's following her dream. If she has to do that without me for a while then I have to let her do that. My head shot up as someone rang the doorbell. It's not her, it never is. Then I heard someone sprint down the stairs. I whipped my head around in confusion.


"Wanda, what's up?"

"You have to get out of here!"

"Why, what happened?"

I hopped off the couch and walked over to her.

"The police are here..."

My eyes got wide as I heard muffled voices from upstairs.

"Shit! For me?"

"Yes for you!"

We both got silent as our mother yelled downstairs.

"Peter? Are you home?"

Wanda and I gave each other worried glances.

"Mom! Peter's not home he went out remember?"

"He did?... What are you doing down there then?"

"I was looking for a record he stole from me."

"Okay, come up here please."

Wanda turned to me and whispered.

"That buys you enough time."

"For what, I can't run away... well actually I can but..."

"Peter that's not what I'm talking about."


We heard our mom call from upstairs in an angry tone.


As Wanda started walking up the stairs she turned back to me and whispered.


Then I realized what she wanted me to do.

Your P.O.V.

Natalie was driving you insane. She was trying to set you up on a blind date when you didn't want to date at all.

"Y/n, it's just so the guy isn't third wheeling with Brody and I."

"No, do you remember what happened the last time you tried to set me up on a blind date?"

"That was one time!"

"Why can't Brody just ditch this guy?"

"Because his roommate is so clingy to him because his girlfriend just broke up with him and he thinks they are best buds."

"Fine, I'll do it."

"Wait really?"


You turned towards your drawers and pulled out Peter's jacket. You smiled as you put it on before turning back to Natalie who was giving you a worried look.

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