Chapter 8

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"Please! for one minute! could you step away from your laptop? I am booooored!" Elyar said as he played with my life-sized teddy bear on my bed.

"I need to finish my job before going on a trip with you. It'll be done in a sec-" I was writing my fifth to the last script when all of a sudden Elyar grabbed it and typed something before shutting it off and removing the battery.

"Don't worry. I saved it before shutting it down." He said as he handed  my laptop to me.

"You know I could still work even without my-" He cut me off again by showing me the charger of my laptop.

"when did you?" I didn't finish my sentence knowing that he'll know what I'd say next.

"hours ago. I've been planning this the whole time. We have to go somewhere now. Pack your things! We'll have a three day vacation at Ben's Summer house! It's amazing I tell you!" Elyar said as I looked at him in total disagreement.

"Come on! Live a little! Please." He begged giving me his puppy dog eyes, which are quite adorable.

"Fine! three days okay? you're being a child!" I said as I grabbed my suitcase and placed some clothes, beauty products, towels and other necessities  that could fit in here. 

"YAAAAAAAAAY! This will be the greatest vacation ever!" He shouted as he ran around my room giving my life-sized teddy a piggy back ride.

"Don't let mr. snuggles fall okay?" I told him and he stopped running.

"So your name is mr. Snuggles. Nice to meet you. I'm Elyar, Ellie's Friend. El-El. Hey! just realized we have the same first two letters in our names!" Elyar said and that made me laugh so hard!

"Really? you just noticed it now?" I said and he nodded.

"you're such a kid El!" I told him and he pouted at me.

"Hey mr. snuggles. she has a life sized teddy bear, whom she calls mr. snuggles, hug it every night in her sleep and she calls me a kid?" Elyar said which made me throw a pillow at him.

"I heard that." I said and he laughed scratching his head.

"I know. Are you done already?" He asked PATIENTLY.

"yep! now let's go because I have scripts that needs to be done." I said as I zipped my suitcase close.

"hurry! they're waiting downstairs." Elyar said and my eyes widened.

"They what?!" I shouted.

"Since when?!" I asked again.

"Since I got here." He said looking at me like there's no problem.

"Why didn't you tell me in the first place?!" I said as I hurried outside.

"I want a challenge. I want to convince you without the help of them." He grinned at me as I entered the elevator.

When we went down they were all rejoicing that finally, I have arrived.

"The queen is here!" Danny, one of the camera man, said with great relief.

"Let's go already! we were boreed!" Nathan said.


It was a 5 hour drive from my apartment to this lovely place! I could write anything here! I really miss the beach! The fresh air, the calming sound of the waves and the cool wind! This is really refreshing.

"I told you it's great." Someone from behind me hugged me. I jumped a little but calmed down knowing it was Elyar.

"What are you doing?" I asked him and he just pointed at the many people around us.

"Oh that. Let's just go inside so we won't do the pretending the whole day." I said and he agreed.

"This is the life! I'll be postponing my work for three days! I want to have fun here!" I shouted and they all smiled at me.

"We all postponed our work because we wanted to have a break and so do you. So just enjoy and Live a little. Even Elyar needs this." His manager said as he wore his sunglasses and went outside.

"Where are you going?" I asked him and he just laughed.

"I'm going love haunting!" he said and closed the door before we could even speak.

"now that was creepy." I said and they all laughed at me.

"He does that everytime we're here." Danny said.

"You're always here?" I asked them.

"not always. Just once a year. Sometimes twice." Danny said.

"guys. I think we're one room short." Ben announced.

"what? oh. so one of us will share a room with Ellie then." Crissy said.

"No offense Li but I want to be alone everytime I go here. Sorry." She added. I smiled at her telling her it's fine.

"Well since we're "kind of" dating, I'll share a room with her." Elyar offered and everyone stared at him.

"are you taking your whole dating thing seriously?" Crissy asked and he shakes his hands in defense.

"no. I mean all of you wants the room for yourselves right. Well, I don't mind having her. I'll just sleep on the couch or something." Elyar said.

"don't worry. There's a spare bed for you. You won't suffer here for three days." Ben said as three men carried the spare bed upstairs.

"So shall we unpack now?" Ben said and everyone ran upstairs to pick the most comfortable room for them.

"Shall we?" Elyar said letting me go upstairs first.

"Sure." I said and went upstairs carrying all my bags.

Chapter 8 SOOOOOOOO done! :D Thank you for reading this and please vote for Elyar!

That BoomBox Feeling (Elyar Fox FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora